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Some processes can be manipulation intensive, requiring a lot of small data updates from the user. To simplify the user experience, DCP does not require to explicitly click a "Save' button when you apply a change. DCP will auto-save your changes.


Auto-save is specifically triggered by doing the following :

During In-line Edit : Clicking anywhere outside the line being edited triggers an auto-save. A success message is appearing on the top-right corner. Clicking the 'cancel' cancel icon.PNG icon at the right side of the line being edited cancels the editing.
Editing properties in the properties pane : Changing tabs, clicking anywhere outside the properties pane or closing the properties pane triggers an auto-save. A success message is appearing on the top-right corner. Clicking the 'undo' undo icon.PNGicon reverts the properties to the last saved values.
Some actions like 'Delete' or 'Obsolete' : Action is executed immediately. A success message is appearing on the top-right corner. The success message will include a 'Undo' link which reverts the respective action.

Time Entry initiates very frequent auto-saves. No success message is shown, but a time-stamp is shown at the bottom-left corner of the table grid to show you when the last auto-save happened.

Notes :

  • When some fields in the properties pane have an impact on the value of fields on the same page, a auto-save will trigger from the moment the value of that field is changed, e.g. Status field in activity properties in the Delivery Management functional area.
  • Some property changes are sensitive in nature and do require a explicit confirmation from the user: e.g. Publishing a document to a customer or Submitting a document for approval.

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