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Once you have created a workview with a Folder hierarchy within, you can use it the classic way by grouping your documents under the different folders. You can upload documents under specific folders.

To help you manage your documents, capabilities are provided to move documents from one folder to another. Folders can be moved or copied within the folder hierarchy of the workview.

Document tagging with a Project and/or Customer

As explained in the previous article, a folder hierarchy within a workview is 'virtual' in nature. With that, what identifies a workview is a grouping of projects, and for a document to appear within a workview, the document needs to be tagged with one of the projects from the workview or at a minimum, the corresponding (primary or end-) customer needs to be linked to those projects.

Details about tagging the document are explained later in this User guide.
Now that this is well understood, we can further explain the managing of documents and folders.

Move Folders and/or Documents

Move Folders and documents is done similarly as with your usual File browser. There are 3 methods to move Folders and/or Documents :

You can 1) use the 'pencil' pencil2.PNG icon left above the table grid, 2) right-click and use the pop-up menu or 3) drag and drop the items that need to be moved

move files v1.png

Follow these steps to move documents and/or folders :

  • Navigate to the folder where you find your source document(s) and/or folder(s)
  • Check the check-box, left from the record line to select the document(s). You can also at the same time select one or more folders.
  • Use one of the 3 methods depicted above to move (cut) the files and/or folders. With method 1 and 2, you select 'Cut'.
    • Navigate to the destination folder and 'Paste' your selected items using method 1 and 2.
    • When using the 'drag & drop' method 3, you can only drop within the table grid over one of the sub-folders listed on top of the list in the table grid


  • When moving folders, you move its full hierarchy and the documents within.
  • When moving folders and pasting in the new destination folder, if the total combined number of folder levels exceeds the maximum of 6 levels, the move will be aborted and an error message will be shown.
  • You cannot move a document/folder to the same destination-folder as where they are 'cut' from. 'Cut' and 'Paste' cannot be done in the same folder.
  • Moving folders in a 'shared' workview is limited to the SPOC and Admins. Moving documents however can be done by all members.

Copy Folders

Documents can not be copied as our policies require to only have a unique instance of the same document !

Folders however can be copied. Use the same methodologies and steps as above. Rather choose 'Copy' and 'Paste' with method 1 and 2 and with method 3, press the Ctrl- /Cmd- key when dragging and dropping.


  • Because of the policy that documents can not be copied, when you copy a folder, its full sub-folders hierarchy is copied with it but Not the documents within.
  • When copying folders and pasting in the new destination folder, if the total combined number of folder levels exceeds the maximum of 6 levels, the copy will be aborted and an error message will be shown.
  • You cannot copy a folder to the same destination-folder as where they are 'copied' from. 'Copy' and 'Paste' cannot be done in the same folder.
  • Copying folders in a 'shared' workview is limited to the SPOC and Admins.

Delete Folders

To remove a folder completely, you select the folder by checking the check-box left from the folder-line. And from the action pane, click the 'Delete' delete.pngaction.


  • When deleting a folder, the full sub-folder hierarchy is deleted with it. However the documents within are moved to the parent folder of the folder that is being deleted. Documents are never deleted with a folder - remember that folders are 'virtual' in nature and documents are tagged with a project/customer.
  • Deleting folders in a 'shared' workview is limited to the SPOC and Admins.

Copy Folder-URL

Sometimes it is useful to refer directly to a folder for easy navigation, for instance when a peer workview member needs to easily find documents within.
Select the folder by checking the check-box left from the folder-line. And from the action pane, click the 'Copy Folder-URL' copy url.PNGaction. This will copy the Folder URL to your clipboard.

Note that it only makes sense to forward a Folder-URL to someone else if that person has access to that Workview. So, for 'private' workviews, it's only useful for your own reference and for 'shared' workviews, it's only useful for members of that 'shared' workview.

Related articles :

Creating & Managing Workviews

Creating Folders in a Workview

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