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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Activity Mgmt Filter Options.png

After selecting Activities from the Delivery Management quick-select, you will see a list of all the activities associated with your projects.  This list will be filtered to "My Recently Updated Activities on my Projects" by default.  Further filtering will be applied as selected from the Left Pane filter, such as Workview.

You have the option to select another pre-configured filter, or create your own custom filter by selecting the "Edit Table Configuration" icon to the right of the filter dropdown and creating a new filter configuration.

To select the 'All Activities' preset, you must first make a selection form the Left Pane filter. Example select a project from your :Left Pane filter and the 'All activities' preset will enable.

You can view the properties / details of the activity by single clicking on the activity line itself.
Although the activity name appears hyperlinked, clicking on it will have no effect

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