The API for seems to be broken with anything related to SDA. I've ran into multiple issues with different API calls not working or even just stating they're not available even though they are documented under 2.3.7 API references.
From another post:
My question: Is there anyway to upgrade this deployment to There's an upgrade that shows available in the GUI when you launch the environment for and but they both hang on downloading around 68%.. I think the VM template was at this percentage before being cutoff from internet access. I'm able to hit the VM appliance via ssh over 2222 once I'm on the devnet VPN but the default maglev password does not work and neither do any of the other passwords provided with the lab.
Trying to test SDA automation just doesn't work with this deployment. I'm not sure why the lab provided is using instead of a more stable release.
I opened a TAC on this issue but they are unable to help and pointed me to this community. Thanks for any info!