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Unable to connect to ISE instance lab

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


We are trying to consume ISE sandbox instance to access the APIs but we are unable to connect to the instance lab. We followed below steps,

1. Raised request to reserve sandbox lab from DevNet by choosing "Automate ISE with OpenAPIs Python and Ansible sandbox lab"

2. Got Lab address and credentials in email

3. Tried to access the APIs of ISE using the given lab address but we are unable to connect (PS: When we tried to ping to the address, the request got timed out)


Appreciate if any help from the support team for any guidance on this. Thanks.

8 Replies 8

@balajnat were you able to connect the VPN ok? Sandbox devices do not respond to ICMP, by security design. If your VPN is connected you should be able to access the following devices. Hope this helps.



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Appreciate the quick response. 

Yes, I am connected to VPN (Bangalore)

This is where we need help, we are trying to access ISE APIs (listed in below link) using REST calls with the help of the new sandbox that got reserved for us.

API reference link:!acibindings


Sandbox address reserved:


Could you guide us on how to access the api's with the above details.


Hello @balajnat Cisco VPN and DevNet Sandbox are two different services. Please see this guide on how to connect to the sandbox you have reserved!first-reservation-guide


Hope this helps.

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Yes,we tried the same by setting VPN connection to the lab's instance and tried to hit the APIs via REST call in POSTMAN but request is not reaching out. 

Is there any way we can access ISE APIs via REST from POSTMAN?

@balajnat are you able to access any of the devices - such as ssh to the devbox?

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No, we are not able to!

Ideally we would like to do some REST api call once we are able to connect.

I followed the steps from the link that you gave, but after setting VPN to my lab instance, I could not access sandbox site or any other site in cisco network.



@balajnat i have reserved a sandbox today, I can ssh to the devbox ok and also ISE. I do not know enough about this sandbox to make API calls. The UI loads ok too.


(venv)$ ssh developer@
developer@'s password:
Last login: Wed Jun 16 03:16:34 2021
-bash: /home/developer/py3venv/bin/activate: No such file or directory
[developer@devbox ~]$
(venv) $ ssh admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:NJjIwkOahmiAjEBj7xyEqthJAy+zmJJRCQKa5yRWKpI.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:
Last login: Thu Sep 23 14:58:35 2021

Failed to log in 0 time(s)

Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 15.26.54.png

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I have included my ISE 3.1 API, Ansible, and Automation Sandbox Lab Introduction video overview below.

If you only need to know how to enable the ISE REST APIs, see the Learning Lab Instructions for ISE REST APIs.


If you have never used this sandbox before or used ISE REST APIs, I highly recommend you first take the

ISE APIs, Ansible, and Automation DevNet Learning Lab

An overview of using REST APIs, OpenAPIs, Postman, and Ansible for Automation with ISE. 6 Learning Labs / 2 Hours

  • ISE APIs, Ansible, and Automation Overview  20 min: - An overview of using REST APIs, OpenAPIs, Postman, and Ansible for Automation with ISE
  • ISE REST APIs  20 min: Learn about the ISE REST APIs
  • ISE and Postman: Part 1  20 min: Use Postman to interact with the ISE APIs. Use a workspace, customize a collection, and use environments
  • ISE and Postman: Part 2  20 min: Import ISE collections in Postman, create a user, work with Active Directory, and add endpoints
  • ISE and Python  20 min: Use Python to interact with the ISE APIs
  • ISE and Ansible  20 min: Use Ansible to manage and automate ISE


ISE 3.1 API, Ansible, and Automation Sandbox Lab Introduction