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WebEx Conference Sandbox reservation is always failing

Level 1
Level 1


I'm a newbie using Cisco's devnet reserving system, so maybe this is a silly question.

I'm trying to make a reservation of Webex WebConferencing type. However no matter how I do it, I always get the same error when executing the "Setup" command

'Setup' environment command on 'WebEx Web Confe...' failed with 'Unable to Complete Request' error

This command is executed automatically when I reserve the instance. I've tried with two different accounts with the same result. Also I've tried to make another type of reservation  (i.e Contact Center Express which seems far more complicated) with no problems at the setup stage.

Any suggestions would be appreciated,

Best regards,


4 Replies 4

Level 5
Level 5

Hello Sergio!

Thanks for trying out the Sandbox! My name is Jacob, and I'm an engineer on the Sandbox Team - I can help you out!

The WebEx lab is sort-of an anomaly among Sandbox labs since we're just connecting you to a public WebEx instance. This is an always-on lab, so you won't need a VPN to connect to the environment.  We use a basic automation to provision a conference ID, then from there you're ready to test some of the APIs and features in WebEx!

The first step is to reserve the lab as you've done. I see that the Setup is failing, but it won't be necessary to use the lab. (Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we'll get that taken care of!) To use the lab, first open the instructions and command windows show in the screenshot below:


Once those are open, reading through the instructions should guide you through getting access to this public lab. You will then need to provision a conference ID by running the Provision_WebEx command show below: (you'll need to press that small gray arrow)


Fill in the mandatory data, and hit run. From there, you can continue down the lab instructions and get access to the lab!

Please let me know if this is clear, and if you have any additional DevNet or Sandbox questions!



TL:DR: The setup command is showing an error, but it won't affect the lab. Run the Provision_WebEx command and follow through the instructions (by pressing the instructions button) to get access.

Hi Jacob!

We are currently exploring the cisco webex API for a new project. However we are having issues with the most common operations, these are the steps we take

1.- We provision webex instance at the devnetsandbox platform (setup step always fails, but you already told us we could ignore it)


2. We try to set up a webex meeting (with minimal data) using POSTMAN. Here’s our xml request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<serv:message xmlns:xsi="">











<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.meeting.CreateMeeting">


<confName>Sample Meeting</confName>









<name>Sergio Armisen</name>














We send this request to the following url:

3. We get this response from your service (validation null point error)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<serv:message xmlns:serv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:meet="" xmlns:att="">




<serv:reason>validation: Null Point Error</serv:reason>









Can you please explain us what are we doing wrong?

Thank you very much in advance for your great help.

Kind regards,


Hello Sergio,

I can identify one initial issue in your request code. I believe that you will need the <schedule></schedule> tags which is how you specify the time you'd like to create the meeting for. Also, you may need the <telephony></telephony> tags configured which specify how to call in. Here is what my XML looked like when I tested this out. Please note that I'm using my own webex password and user, you'll need to use yours as you've done above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<serv:message xmlns:xsi="">

















                <confName>Sample Meeting</confName>









                            <name>Jacob Adams</name>












                <startDate>08/20/2016 10:10:10</startDate>









                    Call 1-800-555-1234, Passcode 98765






Now the response I get isn't perfect either. I get "FAILURE: The user or site does not support this meeting type." My concern is that this may be an ADMIN API which isn't supported by our lab since this is a shared environment. I will check with the WebEx team to verify. Please check out the actual response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<serv:message xmlns:serv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:meet="" xmlns:att="">




            <serv:reason>The user or site does not support this meeting type</serv:reason>









Finally, don't forget that you need the header Content-Type:application/xml.

As a final reference, I've included this API in a postman collection, please feel free to checkit out and see if you can replicate the same error I'm seeing!

I will reply to this thread once I've got more information from the WebEx team.



Hi Jacob,

Gee, thanks for the postman collection, made my testing much easier!

However I get exactly the same error you got:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<serv:message xmlns:serv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:meet="" xmlns:att="">




            <serv:reason>The user or site does not support this meeting type</serv:reason>









So I'll wait for our friends from webex team's response.

Kind Regards,
