em 04-05-2024 03:01 PM
Hello everyone! I'm encountering error messages with a system that executes large queries on our Oracle database after 60 minutes. We use two different firewalls, a Firepower and a Checkpoint. I've already extended the timeout parameter for TCP port 1521 (SQL) from 60 minutes to 4 hours in the access rules on the Checkpoint firewall. However, I'm unable to locate a similar option on Firepower to make this adjustment. Could anyone here share their experience in addressing this issue?
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04-05-2024 04:09 PM - editado 04-05-2024 04:19 PM
You can adjust this by NAP
Check this link
Also check this link to adjust timeout
04-05-2024 04:09 PM - editado 04-05-2024 04:19 PM
You can adjust this by NAP
Check this link
Also check this link to adjust timeout
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