le 19-10-2022 01:12 PM
I am a beginner in the field of vpn.
I would like to understand how it works.
I have a Cisco any connect client on my company computer.
To connect to my company's vpn from my home, the Cisco any connect client installed on my computer will set up an ipsec tunnel with my company vpn router?
Or will my home provider's box set up a vpn tunnel with my enterprise Cisco vpn router?
Thanks you very much
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le 19-10-2022 01:43 PM
When you intiated connection from your Computer, that computer will be connected to company network., rest of the devices uses normal Internet from your ISP.
when you connect from your PC to your office, the rules apply based on the police applied for your VPN by your network and administrator.
le 19-10-2022 01:43 PM
When you intiated connection from your Computer, that computer will be connected to company network., rest of the devices uses normal Internet from your ISP.
when you connect from your PC to your office, the rules apply based on the police applied for your VPN by your network and administrator.
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