le 27-06-2024 09:09 AM
i have router cisco gw voice 4400, and cluster CUCM 12.5 PUB and SUB, i want to set router as server ntp with ntp server master 1, after i want to associate cluster with this ntp server (utils ntp server add ip router it gives me error not add), i want to check 123 port of ntp, please how i can fix this and set association i will apreciate your help.
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le 28-06-2024 05:09 AM
hello @kingstdz
Configure you router as master NTP, but before configure the local clock of that device.
configure terminal
clock set <hh:mm:ss> <month> <day> <year>
ntp master 1
Check you configuration:
#show ntp status
#show ntp associations
If CUCM still cannot add the NTP server, check the CUCM logs for more detailed error messages.
le 28-06-2024 08:04 AM
As concerned DRF, you can restart these two services without issue.
admin:utils service restart Cisco DRF Master
admin:utils service restart Cisco DRF Local
le 27-06-2024 12:57 PM
you want router as ntp Server :
ntp master 1
ntp update-calendar
not sure what is the error you getting post more output logs for us to suggest.
le 28-06-2024 05:09 AM
hello @kingstdz
Configure you router as master NTP, but before configure the local clock of that device.
configure terminal
clock set <hh:mm:ss> <month> <day> <year>
ntp master 1
Check you configuration:
#show ntp status
#show ntp associations
If CUCM still cannot add the NTP server, check the CUCM logs for more detailed error messages.
28-06-2024 07:55 AM - modifié 28-06-2024 07:56 AM
thanks for all
i have finally add ntp server from gui web of cucm (OS), but when i check
admin:utils ntp status
ntpd (pid 13337) is running...
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*X.X.X.250 .LOCL. 1 u 935 1024 377 0.599 2.535 2.136
synchronised to NTP server (X.X.X.250) at stratum 2
time correct to within 35 ms
polling server every 1024 s
Current time in UTC is : Fri Jun 28 07:40:07 UTC 2024
and sh ntp association nothing of cucm cluster
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
*~ .LOCL. 0 6 16 377 0.000 0.000 1.204
* sys.peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlyer, x falseticker, ~ configured
and i have DRF local and master still down
please any suggestion
le 28-06-2024 08:04 AM
As concerned DRF, you can restart these two services without issue.
admin:utils service restart Cisco DRF Master
admin:utils service restart Cisco DRF Local
le 28-06-2024 11:32 PM
Thanks there is what i am doing but why DRF local or master go down after time from i have restart them.
le 04-07-2024 12:22 AM
is there any solution? , backup is still stucking in 51%!!
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