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CIAC 3.0 Install comments

Level 1
Level 1

I thought i'd post some initial comments for the CIAC install as per the documentation.

CSP install is straight forward. Only cause of concern is that the ServiceLink only starts successfully if it is installed on port 8089. We tried ports 800, 786, 8888, which were all free, and alt ought the install completes, the service does not start properly. Althought the service shows as started in control panel, the icon remains red in the CWP.

As the rexAdapter is required later on in the post Tidal install config, is it possible that the rexAdapter can be shipped with CSP, and then be used as part of the initial CSP install (option 27 – Custom Adapter Archive Path .. [ C:\tmp\]

The rexAdapter currently gets extracted as part of the automation pack install after the tidal install.

The deploying of catalogs and portals is a very manual process. Is this going to be automated in future releases?

In the configuring the 17 or so agents, the parameters that have to be entered for the HTTP OutboundAdapter are all the same. This process could be automated so that the parameters are only entered once, as they all refer to the the TEO connection credentials.

1 Reply 1

Level 4
Level 4

IAC 3.0.2 is now available.  The REX adapter still comes inside the PO automation pack, but a lot of the other install and early configuration/setup operations have been automated or streamlined, including the manual configuration of the agents.

Pasting some excerpts from an email from Yair:

We’re glad to announce the release of Cisco IA for Cloud Starter Edition v3.0.2, a maintenance release for Starter Edition v3.0.

Highlights we focused on:

  • 1.       Validating support for Cisco Cloud Portal latest release v9.4 (with prerequisite hotfix bundle).
  • 2.       Increasing the quality of the product and addressing issues reported by the field.

Important: keep in mind that v3.0.2 requires Cisco Cloud Portal v9.4. To updates existing installations you must upgrade the Portal as well as apply the Orchestrator content update. Highlights of Cisco Cloud Portal 9.4 include a Java Catalog Deployer, and certification with JBoss 7.1.1 (see more details here).

Note that you can also install SE 3.0.2 from scratch as a complete installation. (Starter Edition documentation is here and release notes are posted here).

To help you find the downloads, the links are:

PO 2.3 base product install: here

PO 2.3.2 content update for IAC SE 3.0.2: here

CP 9.4 product install: navigate from here

CP 9.4 hotfix bundle for IAC SE 3.0.2: here

SP 6.4 product install: here

SP 6.4 latest patch: here