When access the EC2 server from my network using sshclient and not type any coomand for minuts the connection is droped. Tested the access in same server from direct internet connection and don´t have same problem.
Exist one specified configuration to this works fine?
My Network Tech Detail:
Another question: Using linux netstat command in EC2 server, the connections established from my network don´t closed before the droped, continue status established. When connect form direct internet the connection is finished in same time when closed the sshclient. Is this correct or have another problem?
See before, log in the firewall in the moment when connection is droped:
Jan 17 2011 14:45:44: %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/4277 to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/22 flags PSH ACK on interface inside
Jan 17 2011 14:56:54: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 177187353 for outside:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/22 to inside:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/2712 duration 0:05:16 bytes 6511 TCP Reset-O