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VPN Cannot Access Internal Resource - ACL Issue?

 Hello,I have been working on setting up an external VPN for global protect. The VPN is able to access internet but won't allow me to access internal resources. After speaking with PaloAlto's support team in depth we were not able to find any issues ...


Dear All,       We have Sonic Wall Device connected in out Head Office and We have a branch office where we have a cisco 881-K9 router and we are trying to establish the site to site Connection over internet. The Head Office is having a Public static...

The directory server credentials were rejected.

Hello, I have the configuration for one domain in Duo with authentication proxy working but the error 'the directory server credentials were rejected' in the configuration directory. The certificate is correct and when I run the config tool, there ar...

nomski1 by Level 1
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SNMP using FDM - supported interfaces

Hello Experts,Are all interfaces supported to be a source for the SNMP using FDM? if we can use the tunnel interface, how can we know the API related to this interface to put the details inside the SNMP-hostFTD 1120, version

Sudqi by Level 1
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Management Tunnel certificate

Hello,I am trying to get a management VPN tunnel working for remote clients. They currently use per user Secure Client for remote work and i don't want to interfere with that.   We have a 3rd party ssl certificate on our WAN interface assigned to our...

royhog by Level 1
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Difference in BIOS versions between SNS 3615 and C220M5

Hey folks, we recently replaced a mainboard on an ISE 3615 server. Due to the fact that we had already replaced the HDD beforehand, the ISE had to be reimaged. The installation was successful, but it was not possible to boot the ISE with the replacem...

SaschaS by Level 1
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Feature Focus: Duo Trusted Endpoints

The meeting discussed the benefits and deployment of Duo's Trusted Endpoints feature, which provides strong protection against social engineering attacks by controlling access to protected applications from known and trusted devices.   Please visit ...

zsoulios by Cisco Employee
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Resolved! SNMP sever on Firepower managed by FDM

Hello community! I'm struggling with setting up a snmp server on a cisco FTD. I only have on-box management (FDM) running with the suggested version 7.2.5. I'm pretty sure that in the past it was possible to upload the configuration via flexconfig, b...

janvanek by Level 1
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ESA to be used as UAT SMTP

We would like to leverage the existing ESA to be used as a UAT SMTP, but we want to restrict emails from the UAT application to send out to external (Internet) while maintaining production emails to send to external. Could you please advise how do we...

do1x with IBNS2 authentication issue

Dear All,              I was trying to setup dot1x environment with IBNS2 in cisco c9200 switch, but its wasn't success, its still facing authenticate failure, below is the full configure, just wonder anything wrong with the class map and policy map ...

Resolved! any EOS/L decided for 3140

I know its a new box , its being sole as replacement for 2k series. However any document for EOS/L tracking for 31xx firepower series, where below would be mentioned,   DATE of launch  AND EOS/L date as NA.

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