I am having an issue with ASDM loading the configuration of my ASA 5585-X I get the following messages/errors
I have included some output from some commands that might be helpful. I have searched forums and everything else but I cannot find anything that will fix my issue. I am using the openjre version of ASDM because my org does not have Java installed on their system, and I am unable to open a Win 7 VM because Win 7 is not allowed on the network.
What I find weird is that it worked in the past and just recently stopped working. I am able to still access the ASA thru CLI but I would like to have that option of also using the GUI version as I find it easier to find what I am looking for in a network as large as the one I work in.
There have been no changes done that would stop the ASDM from loading and nothing to make it stop working all of a sudden.
I am hoping that someone else has seen this and can point me in the right direction to get it fixed.
Below is some output that I gathered. Thank you in advance for your time and help. I appreciate it.