dear all
i have added new ASA5516-FTD-K9 to my network topology as below : and please confirm that is fine too (design) or the place of the asa is correct?
ISP --- ASA5516---ISR 2911 router --- 2960 switch ---2960 switch
now i need to transfer the wan interface configurations which was facing the isp router directly to the ASA outside IFC which is now connected directly to isp router instead of router and the router will be behind the asa
this is the current configuration of wan ifc of router :
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.224
description connected to PRIMARY_ISP_ETISALAT
encapsulation dot1Q 224
ip address 10.4x.1xx.12 secondary (isp interface have 10.4x.1xx.12 ---how to add secondary ip on same asa outside ifc if possibel?)
ip address 154.2x6.1x9.1x9 (this is public ip using for vpn tunnel)
ip access-group BLOCK_SSH in
ip flow ingress
ip flow egress
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
ip tcp adjust-mss 1300 (how to configure this on asa)
crypto map CMAP-NLAMS02E
so how to configure the same on ASA outside IFC which facing the ISP ?
amr alrazzaz