Maybe it is not a perfect location for me to post this question. But it will be really appreciated if anybody can help me out on following issue.
One of the customer have used Lucent Cajun switch for sometime. Recently, they bought a Gigabit NIC for PIX 520. And tried to connect the Gigabit NIC of PIX to Gigabit module of Lucent Cajun switch but could not work. They have tried different combination of auto-negotiation, duplex mode and flow control mode, but none of them work.
That Gigabit module of the Lucent Cajun Switch work fine with other two switches - 3Com and another one with TaiWan brand name. Gigabit NIC of the PIX 520 also work fine with these two switches. But PIX 520 does not happy with Lucent Cajun switch.
Any idea or suggestion?