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No memory available while committing the changes in Cisco ASA

Hi All,

Recently i have come across an issue that i am unable to do "write mem" shows


No memory available

Error executing command



Command output of "show flash"

Cisco_ASA# sh flash
--#--  --length--  -----date/time------  path
   87  4181246     Jan 01 2003 05:36:00  securedesktop-asa-
   88  398305      Jan 01 2003 05:36:16  sslclient-win-
   10  8192        Jan 09 2010 17:27:14  crypto_archive
   91  15243264    Sep 08 2011 22:41:58  asa823-k8.bin
    3  8192        Sep 09 2011 00:05:38  log
   13  8192        Sep 09 2011 00:06:14  coredumpinfo
   14  43          Sep 09 2011 00:06:14  coredumpinfo/coredump.cfg
   11  8192        Nov 05 2012 14:49:20  snmp
   12  4           Oct 26 2014 07:27:27  snmp/single_vf

255426560 bytes total (235053056 bytes free)


Command output of "show memory"

------------------ show memory ------------------

Free memory:        53553752 bytes (20%)
Used memory:       214881704 bytes (80%)
-------------     ---------------
Total memory:      268435456 bytes (100%)


Workaround i found but tried:

1. fsck disk0:

2. del NVRAM

3. Reboot the appliance

4. Checks the command output "show proc mem" and removes the process consumes more memory.


Please suggest.

13 Replies 13

Vibhor Amrodia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


On the ASA 80% used does not look that bad. Can you share the configuration from the ASA device ?

Thanks and Regards,

Vibhor Amrodia

I have tried finding it in "show tech" but it shows nothing under "show running-config"


Attached "show tech" for reference.


I think there are very less options that we have available as many commands would not work. I would recommend an upgrade on the ASA device to 8.2.5 as that will fix some of the defects also if they might be causing the issue. Also , a reload would be required in order for it to free the memory.

If you are not able to upgrade using the normal procedure , try to upgrade using the TFTP server:-

Thanks and Regards,

Vibhor Amrodia



I ran the command "show proc mem" and output as below

sh proc mem

Allocs   Allocated       Frees         Freed           Process
          (bytes)                      (bytes)
0        0               0             0               *System Main*
2624     18160168        34            9590            Init Thread
0        0               0             0               PTHREAD-559
0        0               0             0               PTHREAD-560
0        0               0             0               PTHREAD-561
50       1834            4             1098            DATAPATH-0-562
4        4208            0             0               RADIUS Proxy Listener
22       11774           14            2738            rpc_server
1        24              1             24              
1        24              1             24              õ–Ñ
1        24              1             24              õ–Ñ
1        24              1             24              
1        256             1             256             õ–Ñ
1        128             1             128            
1        128             1             128             õ–Ñ
1        128             1             128             #¡$
1        24              1             24              õ–Ñ
184555   49957870        267318        314509656       Dispatch Unit
0        0               0             0               pci_nt_bridge
<--- More --->
0        0               0             0               RADIUS Proxy Time Keeper
252      5556233         87            2968910         rtcli async executor process
7        14163           0             0               Integrity FW Task
721      11536           5556          133344          npshim_thread
2        152             0             0               CF OIR
0        0               0             0               TLS Proxy Inspector
1535239  300889297       1544464       296722085       ci/console
1        24              0             0               EAPoUDP-sock
0        0               0             0               netfs_vnode_reclaim
0        0               0             0               lina_int
0        0               0             0               Chunk Manager
0        0               0             0               emweb/cifs_timer
46       308840          0             0               fover_thread
0        0               0             0               EAPoUDP
1        163884          0             0               PIX Garbage Collector
3        8356            0             0               netfs_mount_handler
8        1424854         0             0               lu_ctl
4011     112436          5874          106260          tacplus_get
0        0               0             0               IP Address Assign
2        32              33            91916           arp_timer
0        0               0             0               update_cpu_usage
24638    8120064         5756          2545836         tacplus_snd
1        640             0             0               Reload Control Thread
0        0               0             0               QoS Support Module
<--- More --->
0        0               0             0               arp_forward_thread
0        0               0             0               health_check
266171   2146572         532062        4256496         emweb/https
1931     72317           5793          180476          aaa
0        0               0             0               Client Update Task
0        0               0             0               Lic TMR
266031   2128248         0             0               Timekeeper
6136     199656          5334          190820          ssh/timer
26       1713791         1             32864           UserFromCert Thread
0        0               2             29              Checkheaps
0        0               3             8356            tcp_fast
134      19592           35            36976           NIC status poll
532141   22093933        532117        20499470        Unicorn Proxy Thread
4        1601            0             0               Boot Message Proxy Process
0        0               0             0               tcp_slow
0        0               0             0               vPif_stats_cleaner
104      471734          52            5894            CMGR Server Process
0        0               0             0               udp_timer
94953294 6627914418      94100795      6311417370      snmp
0        0               0             0               CMGR Timer Process
4        1472            0             0               Quack process
0        0               0             0               CTCP Timer process
0        0               0             0               fover_rx
0        0               0             0               Session Manager
<--- More --->
0        0               0             0               L2TP data daemon
0        0               0             0               fover_tx
0        0               0             0               DHCPD Timer
53182    2506750         47747         2408882         ssh
0        0               0             0               L2TP mgmt daemon
0        0               0             0               fover_ip
1        44              0             0               dhcp_daemon
3        330543          0             0               uauth
0        0               0             0               ppp_timer_thread
0        0               0             0               fover_rep
6        940             1             204             NTP
0        0               0             0               Uauth_Proxy
0        0               0             0               vpnlb_timer_thread
0        0               3             32932           fover_parse
1158     3225416         415           6640            listen/ssh
0        0               0             0               dbgtrace
2        641084          0             0               IPsec message handler
0        0               0             0               fover_ifc_test
0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_msg
7478     1053822         6869          866536          CTM message handler
0        0               0             0               fover_health_monitoring_thread
0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_timer
0        0               0             0               SSL
0        0               0             0               NAT security-level reconfiguration
<--- More --->
0        0               0             0               ha_trans_ctl_tx
0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_sync
0        0               0             0               SMTP
0        0               0             0               ICMP event handler
0        0               0             0               ha_trans_data_tx
0        0               0             0               vpnfol_thread_unsent
0        0               0             0               557mcfix
11644672311334183472     6             8736            Logger
0        0               0             0               Dynamic Filter VC Housekeeper
0        0               3             8356            fover_FSM_thread
0        0               0             0               Integrity Fw Timer Thread
0        0               0             0               557statspoll
0        0               0             0                Syslog Retry Thread
49       8172            25            3468            IP Background
0        0               0             0               lu_rx
2        80              0             0               CP Client Process
0        0               0             0               Thread Logger
69658    36029476        6968          16683564        tmatch compile thread
0        0               0             0               lu_dynamic_sync
0        0               0             0               Crypto PKI RECV
0        0               0             0               IP Thread
0        0               0             0               Crypto CA
2        160             1             168             ARP Thread
0        0               0             0               CERT API
<--- More --->
0        0               1             168             icmp_thread
0        0               0             0               uauth_urlb clean
0        0               0             0               udp_thread
0        0               0             0               pm_timer_thread
0        0               0             0               tcp_thread
0        0               0             0               IKE Timekeeper
3182863864172565779055    3299309960    183899839935    SNMP Notify Thread
3        8356            0             0               vpnlb_thread
0        0               0             0               IKE Daemon
4        8404            15            41780           cppoll
2        5664            0             0               block_diag
30       908491          0             0               netfs_thread_init
0        0               0             0               RADIUS Proxy Event Daemon
2        32              0             0               CP Server Process


"show logging " output below

Syslog logging: disabled
    Facility: 20
    Timestamp logging: enabled
    Standby logging: disabled
    Debug-trace logging: disabled
    Console logging: disabled
    Monitor logging: disabled
    Buffer logging: level informational, 38815406 messages logged
    Trap logging: level informational, facility 20, 38815406 messages logged
        Logging to WTBB *.*.*.* errors: 220061  dropped: 2606885
        Logging to WTBB *.*.*.* errors: 160  dropped: 1875
        Logging to WTBB *.*.*.*

        Logging to WTBB *.*.*.*
        Logging to WTBB *.*.*.*
    History logging: level informational, 38815406 messages logged
    Device ID: disabled
    Mail logging: disabled
    ASDM logging: level informational, 38815406 messages logged


I suspect the process SNMP Notify Thread consumes more memory. Can I reduce trap logging level or disable it for sometime. suggest on this.


Can you try running only these commands:-

show run logging

show run threat

I am not sure if this would affect much to the memory on the ASA device.

I think if the reload also is not able to recover the memory , it might be a large configuration causing this issue on the ASA device.

Is this ASA in production ?

Thanks and Regards,

Vibhor Amrodia


I have already tried.

Please tell about my query.



I see that there are syslog being sent to the SNMP server also. I think we can disable it but that might not be a major change in memory. But you can try it.

I still think if the memory is not going down after a reload , it is due to the configuration.

Thanks and Regards,

Vibhor Amrodia




That's true. Whenever I delete some access list and add new access list, then it is allowing.


What's the solution? Can I have to add more memory?


Is this ASA in production ? If you can take some down time , reload the ASA device in ROMMON and boot it up with config-register 0x41.

This will boot up the ASA with Blank configuration and will help you workaround the high memory issue.

Thanks and Regards,

Vibhor Amrodia


Today evening I got half an hour downtime to troubleshoot. Let me check with possible work around and come back with result.

Please do not post multiple discussions for the same issue. Here is your duplicate post:


Vinay Sharma,
Community Manager

Thanks & Regards



I have logged once and it took long time. So I refreshed 4 times and 4 times it has logged.


I have deleted multiple duplicate discussions. I will do remaining and make sure it will be utilized properly.

Thank you for all you support and understanding.

Many Regards,

Vinay Sharma,
Community Manager

Thanks & Regards
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