I have 5515 CX FW. I want:
- To redirect all internet traffic coming from outside into the inside network via CXSC.
- No CX inspection for oracle traffic (88.x.x.x) both ways.
interface outside is my internet (94.x.x.x)
I did following:
object network obj-
subnet ! This is my inside network
nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
access-list internet extended deny object obj- host 88.x.x.x
access-list internet extended permit object obj- any
class-map CX_Inspection
match access-list internet
policy-map policy_CX_Inspection
class CX_Inspection
cxsc fail-open
service-policy policy_CX_Inspection interface outside
1- Will this solve my purpose ? I want to make sure that only internet traffic goes through CXSC module when coming into our network from outside.
2- Also my understanding is that when a host access a certain website, ASA will maintain a session. So the traffic will be inspected while leaving the outside interface towards internet (which I dont want) or it will be inspected when traffic enters into FW from internet ? or as the service policy act bidirectional if applied on interface, then traffic will be inspected both ways ?