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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Many thanks to Delbert Houston for submitting this question to the TS Newsletter's Expert to Expert feature...

After a Cisco Sales Order has been submitted, the BU product team will assign a Product Authorization Key (PAK) ID. This PAK ID can be registered to receive your license online.

There are two methods of PAK delivery. The first is a paper certificate sent via standard postal carrier. The second, and more efficient method, is to select eDelivery for electronic delivery of the PAK. The eDelivery SKU’s are differentiated from standard SKU’s by having “L-” prefix in the SKU name. Select this option, when available, and it will save a lot of time in shipment.

Once the PAK ID has been received, it can be used to redeem the license online at:

During this process, you may need the product Unique Device Identifier (UDI) that the license will be tied to. Depending on the product, this could either be the device serial number, MAC address, etc. Please refer to the product documentation to verify the appropriate UDI information for your device. You may also need to supply the hostname of the unit, your email address, and the physical address of the device.

Many other licensing activities can be accomplished through the online portal, too. This includes registering a new license, rehosting a license due to RMA, and applying for a temporary or demo license. There is a FAQ document and video also available from the website for additional best practices.

If you are unable to perform the licensing activity online, the Global Licensing Operation (GLO) team can provide assistance. There are 3 ways to open a case with GLO:

  • The first is via the online portal at After selecting the appropriate technology and sub-technology, be sure to select “Licensing” listed under “Type of Problem”. This is the preferred method and the most efficient method for customers to open severity 3 service requests.
  • The second is by calling 800-553-2447 (in the US and Canada). Use this link for global numbers, This should be used for urgent situations such as a network down or severe degradation to reach someone quickly.
  • Lastly, is to email GLO at

Each of these have pros and cons, but we definitely encourage customers to use the website whenever possible and to call us whenever necessary. Using the website is truly the optimal method for non-urgent issues. The first two methods can also be used to contact TAC to reach an engineer.

For more information, please reference the previously mentioned FAQ and video for Cisco licensing and Licensing support.

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