There are a few content issues other users have voiced already, but I thought I would add more to the ongoing discussion, seeing as some content issues on Netacad have not yet been resolved.
There are several module exams that, so far, have either been incorrectly keyed or inadequately explained in the course content, leading our students to misunderstand the material. I will include several screenshots of questions I answered correctly, according to the in-browser descriptions, only to be told these answers were incorrect. Again, according to Netacad, these answers are correct and this is the type of confusion (especially with fundamentals) that can have serious negative ripples and boundaries to learning down the line.
If I indeed got these questions incorrect, please feel free to explain how I should have interpreted the questions. I'm genuinely interested in knowing the answers and the reasoning behind how one reaches them, as well as your opinions on how Netacad could be more clear, either in their course content or in their exam explanations, when it comes to these knowledge checks.
Thanks, and have a great day.