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JTAPI call events dropping after conference enabled

Hi team,

I'm using JTAPI, Cisco, Media sense APIs for my application. I have 2 functionalities namely - Start Recording, Stop Recording.



A - is Cisco UC Integration for MS Lync

B - is Cisco IP communicator

C - is a call created in Java code and connected in the A-B line to make it as conference


B calls A

A picks up the call

Java code holds the A-B line and connects call C. Then resumes call with 3 active users.


1. Start Recording - Scenario is when A calls B, the call will be active and I want to record the call. So I'm introducing C, which is configured for recording profile. When C joins the A-B line as a conference line, the recording will get started. For this - I'm holding the A-B line and connecting Call C and resuming back A-B line. As soon as C join the conference, the recording gets started and it will be stored in Mediasense. Also storing the reference of the calls, Terminal connection, JTAPI events in a reference variable to make use in Stop recording functionality. This is working fine.

2. Stop Recording - Getting the reference values of calls, terminal connections which I stored during start Recording functionality to disconnect the 3rd party(which is C). Once the C gets disconnected the recording will stop. This functionality worked as well. Since September month-end, stop recording functionality is not working. Debugged and found that, JTAPI events shows as all calls getting disconnected/dropped once the conference(C) is enabled. Though events show as disconnected/dropped, The call(conference) with A, B, C looks active on the screen. 


Issue is JTAPI events shows all calls/Terminal connection as disconnected/dropped. But the conference remains active. So couldn't get the reference value which shows as invalid while I try to disconnect the 'C' line for stop recording.


Help me in resolving the issue with events/or any way to get the reference of the ongoing call to make stop recording functionality to work. 


Thanks in advance!!

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