We currently are attmpting to integrate a CyberArk Central Policy Manager for the purpose of managing the local account password for accounts on our routers and switches.
Users log into each router/switch using ISE & RSA Mutilfactor authentication on SSH port 22. Currently, the configs force SSH only, and always on port 22.
I have a solution that involves having CyberArk log in on a restricted upper port (>1024) using just SSH and a significantly complex password. We have the functionality working in our DEV environment using the following coding:
version 12.2
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login local-auth local
aaa authorization exec local-auth local
ip access-list extended CYBERARK
permit tcp host xxx.xxx.xxx.59 any eq 3022
line vty 14 15
access-class CYBERARK in
privilege level 15
authorization exec local-auth
login authentication local-auth
rotary 1
transport input ssh
However, when we take these same changes into out test validation lab, nothing is listening on port 3022.
Any Ideas?
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