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Level 1



My organization has been using Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) for a couple years now and have really put it to good use. As most customers of this product know, there is no built-in capability in CMS or in Meeting Management (MM) for historical reporting on Call Detail Records (CDR).  I looked into the most popular solution on the market and found it to be too expensive and complex.


So I wrote my own, and it took a couple months.


It's a simple two-tier application that uses a MSSQL database and IIS. I wrote and deployed it using Visual Studio.  I published it on GitHub at and welcome all improvements and constructive criticism.


For convenience, I'm attaching the System Guide here, but everything else will be on Github.


Disclaimer: I am not a professional developer by trade and have never used Github until now. There is obviously no official support for this app, but I will answer questions as best as I can, given my experience in the field.

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