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MARS has various CLI commands to display it's current health status as well as to get the sysem log.

Often, when opening a case with Cisco TAC about an issue related to peformance or error messages on MARS, the support engineer will need the system logs and health status output from the MARS.


Collecting Status Information


This is a list of MARS status CLI commands TAC usually needs the output from:

- pnstatus

- sysstatus

- pndbusage

- diskusage

- version

- raidstatus (not on non-RAID models: 20R,20,25R,25)


Collecting System Logs


The complete system logs can be collected from MARS using the "pnlog mailto" CLI command.

This is the syntax for the "pnlog mailto" command: "pnlog mailto smtp_server sender email address recipient email addresss". You can use your own email address as both the sender and recepient email address.

You will receive 2 seperate emails containing the "Janus Log" and "Error Log"


Once you have collected the logs and status information , you can attach these to TAC case .


Scenario 2:

User have Cisco MARS server and has forgotten his password to access.


Unfortunately re-image of MARS is the only way if you have forgotten the password.


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