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Anand Kanani
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This page provides an overview for different forms of APIs available in all the Cisco Security Products and pointers to their documentation & examples. It is an aggregation of all the Cisco Security Products' API related resources at one place.


NOTE: You may have to scroll to right to view the complete table in some browsers like Google Chrome.


Table of Contents

Firepower Management Center (FMC) - REST API

Firepower Management Center (FMC) - Host Input API

Firepower Management Center (FMC) - eStreamer API

Firepower Management Center (FMC) - Remediation API

Firepower Device Manager (FDM) / Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) On-Box - REST API


Firepower Chassis Management (FXOS) on 4100 / 9300 - REST API

Stealthwatch Enterprise - REST API

Stealthwatch Enterprise - SOAP API / Web Services API

Stealthwatch Enterprise - Data Exporter (DEX)

Stealthwatch Cloud - REST API

AMP for Endpoints Public Cloud - REST API

AMP for Endpoints Public Cloud - Events Stream

AMP for Endpoints Private Cloud - REST API

Threat Grid Cloud - REST API

Threat Grid Cloud - Feeds

Threat Grid Appliance - REST API

Umbrella - REST API

Cisco Threat Response (CTR) - REST API

Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) - STIX/TAXII

Identity Services Engine - Monitoring REST API

Identity Services Engine - External REST (ERS) API

Web Security Appliance (WSA)

Email Security Appliance (ESA)

Security Management Appliance (SMA)

Cisco Cloudlock - REST API


Firepower Management Center (FMC) - 1 of 4 - REST API

API Type / Purpose

Most commonly used REST API for FMC

REST API can be used to do most common tasks on your FMC, NGFW and NGIPS. This includes provisioning, configuration, deployment, monitoring and most other day-to-day activities

API documentation

API Explorer (RECOMMENDED) - https://<FMC-IP>/api/api-explorer/

FMC REST API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

As of FMC version 6.2.3, you can do the following:

  • Config Deployment
  • Device Register / Unregister
  • Network/Service Objects/Groups Configuration
  • Configuration of Interfaces, Access Policies, NAT Policies, Static Routes
  • High Availability Configuration
  • CTID Configuration
  • Viewing File, IPS Policies and other Objects/Groups


Note: Check the API Config guide / API explorer for the complete list. Things listed here are summarized due to space constraints.

Comments / Notes

Read more here -


API Explorer is truly amazing with features like inline documentation, it lets you play with live data in your FMC and it lets you export the API into Perl / Python code ready for use into your scripts


Limited to 120 queries per minute. This may be a limiting factor for large deployments.

Sample Codes


In case if someone wants to use an SDK instead of direct native REST API calls, here are some SDKs that I have observed.

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/07/05 by ndard

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Firepower Management Center (FMC) - 2 of 4 - Host Input API

API Type / Purpose

Host Input API

These are special APIs for importing data from other sources on your network to augment the monitored host information. For example you can import vulnerability information about hosts in your network from a vulnerability scanner like Nessus, into your FMC. This will help FMC provide better signature tuning suggestions. These are powerful legacy APIs available from Sourcefire days.


API documentation

FMC Host Input API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

This function is available only using API

Comments / Notes

This is powerful API but not many use it due to lack of awareness

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/07/05 by ndard

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Firepower Management Center (FMC) - 3 of 4 - eStreamer API

API Type / Purpose

eStreamer API

Cisco Event Streamer (aka eStreamer) lets you export event information from FMC into any third party application like SIEM. This is a data-stream instead of a true API.


API documentation

FMC eStreamer offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

This is the best and the recommended way to export events information from FMC

Comments / Notes

Most common estreamer client is the eNcore for Splunk


A client for Arcsight is also under development.

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/07/05 by ndard

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Firepower Management Center (FMC) - 4 of 4 - Remediation API

API Type / Purpose

Remediation API


This is a framework that lets you create custom remediation / mitigation actions in FMC, which can be automatically launched when conditions on your network violate the associated correlation policy.

API documentation

FMC Remediation API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

This function is available only using API

Comments / Notes

This is powerful framework but not many use it due to lack of awareness

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/07/05 by ndard

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Firepower Device Manager (FDM) / Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) On-Box - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API can be used to do most common tasks directly on your NGFW starting FTD version 6.2.3. This includes provisioning, configuration, monitoring and most other day-to-day activities

API documentation

API Explorer (RECOMMENDED) - https://<FTD-IP>/api-explorer/

FTD REST API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

As of FDM / FTD current version 6.2.3, most of the features are available API, except for a couple of them namely SmartCLI and some VPN stuff. Note that this includes only the features that are available directly in FTD; not the ones that are available through FMC.

In the FDM / FTD upcoming version 6.3, 100% of the features should be available in API, that can be configured through FDM On-Box.

Comments / Notes

API Explorer is truly amazing with features like inline documentation, it lets you play with live data in your FTD NGFW and it lets you export the API into Perl / Python code ready for use into your scripts

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/05/16 by divyanai

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API Type / Purpose

REST API can be used to all the tasks on your ASA, which usually includes provisioning, configuration, deployment, monitoring and most other day-to-day activities

API documentation

API Explorer (RECOMMENDED) - https://<ASA-IP>/api/doc/

ASA REST API overview on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

100% of CLI features are available via API

Comments / Notes

Read more here - 

and here -


Note that ASA REST API are NOT supported on Firepower 2100 platform.


API Explorer is truly amazing with features like inline documentation, it lets you play with live data in your ASA and it lets you export the API into Perl / Python / Java code ready for use into your scripts


ASA REST APIs are extensively used in NFV and Cloud based deployments like in AWS, Azure

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/17 by hibeumer

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Firepower Chassis Management (FXOS) on 4100 / 9300 - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API for includes both Platform and Services APIs provided by FX-OS. They can be used for both Configuration and Monitoring.

API documentation

FX-OS API offline documentation on Devnet -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

100% of GUI features are available via API

Comments / Notes


Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

2018/07/05 by ndard

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Stealthwatch Enterprise - 1 of 3 - REST API

API Type / Purpose


As of current latest version 6.10.2, the REST API provide Reporting functions only.

API documentation

Online documentation within the product:-

SWE REST API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

As of current latest version 7.0, the REST API provide the following Reporting functions only:

  • Host Reports
  • Flow Reports
  • Interface Reports
  • Security Events and Alarms
  • Top Reports
  • Enhanced Flow Search
  • Query Interfaces
  • Query Devices/Exporters
  • Query Security Events
  • Host Groups Management (Host Groups are called as Tags in the SW API world)
  • User Management
  • Core Policy Management
  • Custom Security Events Management
  • Relationship Policy Management

Comments / Notes

There is a lot of development going on in the REST APIs. The upcoming versions of the product will have more features, especially configuration features, available through the REST API

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/12/04 by ankanani - added info about API enhancements in SW 7.0

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/23 by shishanb

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Stealthwatch Enterprise - 2 of 3 - SOAP API / Web Services API

API Type / Purpose

SOAP API / Web Services API

The SOAP API are provide most of the configuration functions and some reporting functions. These are legacy APIs available from Lancope days.

API documentation

SWE SOAP API offline documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

As of current latest version 6.10.2, the SOAP API provide the following functions:

  • Host and Host Group Reports
  • Host Group Configuration
  • Flow Reports
  • Security Events and Alarms

Comments / Notes

All the old integrations done by AS are done using these API. However no further development will be done on the SOAP API. These will be superseded by REST API in the future.

Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/23 by shishanb

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Stealthwatch Enterprise - 3 of 3 - DEX

API Type / Purpose

Data Exporter (DEX)

This is a sample client that allows users to take flow data from the Stealthwatch system to be processed and stored by their own application. Usually this is used for exporting bi-flows to SIEM.

API documentation

SWE DEX documentation on Devnet -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

This function is available only DEX. Not applicable to GUI

Comments / Notes

DEX is a reference implementation client for the Stealthwatch Flow Forwarder service that runs on the flow collector.


Most commonly used for extracting stitched, de-duplicated bi-directional flow records from Stealthwatch into Splunk.


Customers can also purchase the Cisco Stealthwatch Flow Export Service instead of using DEX.

Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/23 by shishanb

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Stealthwatch Cloud - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API to help automate the discovery, validation, and resolution of alerts.

API documentation

Stealthwatch Cloud API documentation is available for SWC customers inside their web GUI at the URL:


Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

The features are limited in the API. Currently the following functions are available via the API:

  • alerts
  • observations
  • blacklists
  • roles
  • session data

Comments / Notes


Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/23 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/23 by bbayles

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AMP for Endpoints Public Cloud - 1 of 2 - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API for limited configuration and monitoring activities.

API documentation

AMP for Endpoints REST API Online documentation -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

The following main features are currently available via the API:

  • View Computers and Groups
  • Create Groups and assign computers
  • View Computer Activities (ie items in Device Trajectory)
  • View Events
  • View Policies
  • View and Modify Certain file lists


The major GUI features that are NOT available currently via the API are:

  • Create/Change Policies
  • Create Blocklists/Blacklist/Whitelists
  • Modify Whitelists
  • View Whitelists
  • Anything with Advanced Custom Detectoins
  • Anything with Endpoint IOCs
  • Initiate an Endpoint Scan

Comments / Notes

The AMP API is rate limited to 3000 API queries per 1 hour window per API client ID. You can see the status of the rate limit in the response headers as shown in the below example.

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: 3000 (queries limit in period of 1 hr window)
  • X-RateLimit-Reset: 3292 (secs out of an hour or 3600 secs)
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: 2997 (queries left in period)

In case if you want to queries events, then instead of using AMP REST API, use the AMP Event Streamer API mentioned below.

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/08/13 by ankanani - added further details about API rate limiting

2018/07/09 by ankanani - added more sample codes

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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AMP for Endpoints Public Cloud - 2 of 2 - Event Stream

API Type / Purpose

AMQP - event stream

This is a special publish-subscribe mechanism using AMQP protocol to receive live stream of events from AMP for Endpoints

API documentation

AMP for Endpoints Event Stream Online documentation and example -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

This function is available only using API

Comments / Notes

This is mainly used in SIEM integrations.

Event the Threat Centric NAC (TC-NAC) functionality in Cisco ISE uses this feature.


Python has a library called Pika which is commonly used for AMQP.

Ruby has a library called Bunny for AMQP.


Pika is the most well known Python library there are quit a few others probably the most well maintained is:




Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/07/19 by ankanani - added jemunos Github link in sample codes list

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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AMP for Endpoints Private Cloud - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API for limited configuration and monitoring activities.

API documentation

The documentation is available online hosted on the AMP Private Cloud console. Here is the URL -


Note that the above URL may differ slightly from version to version. It can be located by navigating to Accounts > API Credentials > View API Documentation menu within your AMP Private Cloud Console

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

All of the same limitations as the AMP Public cloud and then even more because it is often 6 months to a year behind the cloud release


Most of the calls available in the API for current version 2.4.3 of AMP Private Cloud are for Reading Data. Note that there is no Event Stream API available in the current version of AMP Private Cloud.

Comments / Notes


Sample Codes

This is similar to what is available for the Public Cloud version; along with the limitations mentioned above.

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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Threat Grid Cloud - REST API

API Type / Purpose

TG Cloud REST API can be categorized into 4 different functions:

  1. TG Data Query - Fetch Sample Analysis Elements (network streams, process names, etc.) and Results (video.webm, network.pcap)
  2. TG Accounts Mgmt - Manage Users
  3. Sample Submission
  4. Submission Search - Search for Observables

API documentation

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Nearly 100% of GUI features are available via API


Some of the things that are not in the API include:

  • Changing the submission runtime
  • Resubmitting samples or artifacts

Comments / Notes

Read more here -


Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/07/09 by ankanani - added more sample codes

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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Threat Grid Cloud - Feeds

API Type / Purpose

TG Cloud provides content feeds that are pre-generated, curated sets of behavioral indicators that are produced in the Threat Grid Cloud infrastructure from sample analysis results. Feeds are used by organizations and partners for targeted threat intelligence, by focusing on the specific types of threats faced by particular industries.

Threat Grid Feeds are refreshed on an hourly or daily basis. They are available by subscription on the Cisco Threat Grid Portal via the Web to fetch from the cloud using a simple REST API call.

API documentation

The documentation is available here:

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

TG Cloud Feeds are available only via API

Comments / Notes

These feeds are available only via TG Cloud. They are NOT available via TG Appliance.

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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Threat Grid Appliance - REST API

API Type / Purpose

TG Appliance REST API is same as Threat Grid Cloud REST API.

They can be categorized into 4 different functions:

  1. TG Data Query - Fetch Sample Analysis Elements (network streams, process names, etc.) and Results (video.webm, network.pcap)
  2. TG Accounts Mgmt - Manage Users
  3. Sample Submission
  4. Submission Search - Search for Observables

API documentation

Look out for the help section within the Threat Grid Appliance Management Console

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Nearly 100% of GUI features are available via API


Some of the things that are not in the API include:

  • Changing the submission runtime
  • Resubmitting samples or artifacts

Comments / Notes

In terms of features, the only difference in Threat Grid Cloud API and Threat Grid Appliance API is that, the Threat Grid Appliance API CANNOT pull the Threat Feeds from the cloud.

Sample Codes

Look for samples given in the Threat Grid Cloud Section. Same will apply here

Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/31 by miauger

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Umbrella - Multiple REST API

API Type / Purpose

Cisco Umbrella has a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow customers to perform a variety of Umbrella-related functions without needing to use the dashboard or console.


  1. Management API — Manage organizations, networks, roaming clients and more.
  2. Reporting API — Enables organizations to run several reports.
  3. Console Reporting API — Enables MSPs, MSSPs, and Multi-Org Console administrators to view deployment and security summaries.
  4. Network Device Management — Enables organizations to register a hardware device with Umbrella, set policies for that device, etc.
  5. Legacy Network Devices API — Enables organizations to integrate legacy hardware network devices with Umbrella.
  6. Enforcement API — Enables organizations to manage security-related block lists.
  7. Investigate API — An API-based version of the Investigate dashboard.


API documentation

  1. Management API —
  2. Reporting API —
  3. Console Reporting API —
  4. Network Device Management —
  5. Legacy Network Devices API —
  6. Enforcement API —
  7. Investigate API —


Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI


Comments / Notes

Please note that not all the APIs documented here are available to all customers. APIs are available only to customers who have purchased the correct package; some APIs required a separate purchase, and some APIs are in limited availability as they undergo testing. 

Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/12/15 by ankanani - complete new API updates based on inputs from jonnoble

2018/05/11 by ankanani - updated features available list and beta API details as per inputs from jonnoble

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/11 by jonnoble

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Cisco Threat Response (CTR) - REST API

API Type / Purpose

CTR API can be broken down as follows:

  1. Inspect – pull observables out of formatted or unformatted text
  2. Enrich – search for additional information about those observables
  3. Response – take actions on observables (eg add to blocklist)
  4. Settings – configure CTR
  5. Oath – use credentials and get access tokens
  6. Global intel – read global threat intelligence
  7. Private intel – read and write user-provided threat intelligence


API documentation


Here is the full list of APIs and their associated scopes:

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Nearly 100% of GUI features are available via API.

Comments / Notes

In-product API documentation is auto generated, by both Swagger and ReDoc. Either provides built in prototyping tools.

Additionally, a DevNet Learning Lab about the CTR API is in progress.  

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2019/09/06 by bgreenba - added CS GH under "Example codes"


Content validated by BU

2019/09/06 by bgreenba

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Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) - STIX-TAXII

API Type / Purpose

STIX-TAXII API to export events and localized security intelligence from CTA into STIX format. This can then be used to integrate CTA with SIEMs.

API documentation

CTA STIX/TAXII Service documentation -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Currently, one important piece of information NOT available in STIX from CTA, is the ETA information.

Comments / Notes

Note that you can query CTA via this mechanism only ONCE in 10 minutes.


Either you can write your own code to fetch and parse STIX data via TAXII from CTA, or you can use the TAXII Log adapter provided by CTA.


TAXII log adapter is a java client that can poll data from CTA, and optionally push it into common SIEM systems like Splunk via JSON or ArcSight, Q1 Radar, LogPoint, and other vendors via Common Event Format (CEF).


Event the Threat Centric NAC (TC-NAC) functionality in Cisco ISE uses this feature.

Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/06/06 by pcernoho

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Identity Services Engine (ISE) - 1 of 2 - Monitoring REST API

API Type / Purpose

Monitoring REST API


Used for Session Management - Monitoring REST API calls allow you to locate, monitor, and accumulate important real-time, session-based information stored about individual endpoints in a network.

API documentation

ISE Monitoring REST API documentation on CCO -

List of ISE API documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

The following Monitoring REST API categories are supported:

  • Session Management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Change of Authorization (CoA)

Comments / Notes

Monitoring REST APIs are calls directly to the ISE MnT nodes.

Sample Codes

  • Samples are given in the documentation itself

Content Last Updated Details

2018/07/31 by ankanani - updated the features available section with more specifics

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

not validated

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Identity Services Engine (ISE) - 2 of 2 - External REST API

API Type / Purpose

External REST API (ERS)


These can be used to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on all the Cisco ISE resources.

API documentation

API Explorer (RECOMMENDED) - https://<ISE-ADMIN-NODE-IP>:9060/ers/sdk

ISE ERS API documentation on CCO -

List of ISE API documentation on CCO -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Limited GUI features are available in the ERS API and a lot are being added over time. Check out the Introduction page on the API documentation link above to get the exact list. Since the list of individual components is long, individual components are not listed here.

Comments / Notes

ERS APIs are calls directly to the ISE Admin nodes.

ERS APIs are called from ISE primary admin node for read-write. We may call from ISE secondary admin node for read-only access.

Sample Codes

Content Last Updated Details

2018/07/31 by ankanani - updated the features available section with more specifics

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft

Content validated by BU

not validated

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Web Security Appliance (WSA)

API Type / Purpose

No APIs available currently.

In the roadmap

API documentation


Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI


Comments / Notes


Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/07 by ankanani - initial draft based on inputs from aarondek

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/11 by aarondek

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Email Security Appliance (ESA)

API Type / Purpose

REST API for Reporting - mainly to view stats and device health information

API documentation

There are 2 main API calls - health and stats.

The list of calls + their documentation is also available as inline help -





APIs are available on HTTP port 6080 and HTTPS port 6443 by default.


Offline help - ESA Programming Guides -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

As of current version 11.0, APIs offer only statistics and health information.

Comments / Notes


Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2019/10/18 by ankanani - added link for ESA programming guides based on inputs from byazji

2018/05/13 by ankanani - initial draft based on inputs from glturner

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/13 by glturner

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Security Management Appliance (SMA)

API Type / Purpose

No APIs available currently.

APIs will be available as a part of Next-Gen SMA which is yet to be released.

API documentation


Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI


Comments / Notes


Sample Codes


Content Last Updated Details

2018/05/13 by ankanani - initial draft based on inputs from glturner

Content validated by BU

On 2018/05/13 by glturner

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Cisco Cloudlock - REST API

API Type / Purpose

REST API which is generally used for:
  • Cloudlock incident management (SIEM/ITSM systems primarily for SOC usage)
  • Cloudlock anomaly detection and triage
  • Advanced event correlation (bringing back events)
  • Cloud application management (including classification)

API documentation

 Cisco Cloudlock REST API documentation -

Features available in API wrt GUI / CLI

Variety of endpoints which include among others:

  • incidents (retrieving and updating incidents)
  • anomalies/threats (including dismissal functionality)
  • UEBA events
  • apps - oauth connected apps (including classification capability)

Comments / Notes

  • API endpoints are added periodically – please re-check documentation or reach out if you have interest in specific functionality.
  • Integrations exist for Splunk, IBM Qradar, Logrythm and other solutions which make use of the REST API.

Sample Codes

  •  Private repo available. Reach out to for samples, scripts and initial configuration

Content Last Updated Details

2018/12/12 by yaronca - initial draft

Content validated by BU

On 2018/12/12 by yaronca

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Anand and team,

Are these items externally accessible or just internal?  Also at least when I view this page there seems to be a formatting issue with the table. 

Anand Kanani
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@cspaugh this is a public facing page. Fixed the formatting issue. Check now

Level 1
Level 1

Is there REST API available for Cisco Cloud Email Security? If yes then pls add it to list

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All


My customer is in India and so our Cisco Security Account is hosted in the APJC cloud.

I am trying to integrate my On-prem ThreatGrid Appliance with Arcsight SIEM via API and was trying to refer to the Threatgrid API documentation mentioned in this post.


However, this seems to take me to US cloud portal, where we do not have any account.


Is there any documentation available in APJC cloud?

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@jefbfi there is currently no cloud in which on prem customers get accounts. The API documentation is also available in the appliance; open the in-product help and you will see it - or consult the iser guide; information exists there as well. 

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello, Secure Endpoint API v3 has been recently released:!introduction

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