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Nazmul Rajib
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

How long does a Network Module (netmod) take to go to Hardware Bypass mode, and come out of Hardware Bypass mode?


The following table provides a guideline for hardware bypass time (relay switching time) of a network module (netmod) on a Sourcefire appliance. Please note that these are only the hardware relay switching times and do not include any software delays.


 Typical Relay Switching TimeMaximum Relay Switching TimeExample
Multi Mode Fiber5 ms10 ms2x10G Short Range (SR), 4x1G Fiber, 40G Fiber Netmod etc.
Single Mode Fiber4 ms10 ms2x10G Long Range (LR) Fiber Netmod
Copper1.2 ms3 ms4x1G Copper Netmod


Level 1
Level 1

Hi Nazmul,

We have setup in the lab a test with the following connections:

PC1----netmod1port1-------Sourcefire 8130-----netmod1port2-----PC2


PCs are Windows 7, with speed auto, duplex auto, Giga capable. Fixed IP address.

8130 is configured with: speed auto, duplex auto, Auto-Midix and propagate link state.


With the 8130 turned on, we run a ping and it works ok. We turn off the 8130 and we have a network outage of 8 segs, then we see ping working ok back again.

If we turn on the 8130, after 15min, we have a network outage again, of 8 segs, and after that, we see ping working ok back again.


Any help?







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