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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


How do I configure a SecureX browser plugin?


*Updated 2021-01-04 to describe new plugin availability


The browser plugins are easily configured.

  1. First you need to generate an "API Client" in SecureX. An API Client is essentially a set of credentials that identifies a program has having the authority to act in SecureX and SecureX Threat Response on your behalf.  
    1. In order to generate an API Client for the Browser Plugin, navigate to Administration->API Clients in the main SecureX user interface (eg the dashboard, not threat response or orchestration etc)
    2. Click Generate API Client 
    3. Give the Client a meaningful name that will make sense to you later, such as "<username> browser plugin"
    4. Scopes control what rights the program will be granted once it provides these credentials. For the fastest solution, select Select All. For a list of only the specific scopes required, see Appendix A at the end of this article. 
    5. Optionally, give the Client a description.
    6. Click Add New Client
    7. Save the resulting Client ID and Client secret; these are your credentials. Treat these as you would your SecureX passwords; effectively they grant the same privileges. To prevent or diagnose transcription errors, keep this tab open until the plugin configuration is complete. 
  2. Next, download and install the browser plugin for your browser, one of:
  3. Configure the plugin
    1. In the plugin, if not immediately presented with a form for your credentials, click 'casebook' on the top left, and then the gear on the top right.
    2. Select the appropriate region
    3. Enter the credentials saved above
    4. Click Authenticate to test. If the test is not successful, double check that you entered the strings correctly. 
    5. If the test is successful, you may close the API Client tab and begin using the browser plugin!

Congratulations! That's it. You can now leverage the power of SecureX and Threat Response from any website or other browser content, without even having to go to SecureX to do research, take response actions, and more.

If you would like to see a video describing these steps, go here. This video demonstrates some of the features of the plugin, and then walks you through the installation and configuration steps towards the end. It may not be updated as quickly as this page; in case of disagreement between the video and this page, this page has the authoritative information.  


Appendix A - List of required scopes for browser plugins:

  • Casebook
  • Enrich: read
  • Global Intel: read
  • Inspect: read
  • Integration
  • Notification
  • Orbital
  • Private-intel
  • Profile
  • Response
  • Registry
  • Telemetry: write
  • Users
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