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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

ENVMON Reports the Wrong Volage Value or Wrong Voltage Range

There are two cosmetic issues (voltage read and voltage range) which have been identified with the voltage sensors in RSP440s, 9912RPs, and 9922RPs. In the event there is a voltage issue, the linecards have the facility to power-down to prevent damage.

The following are examples of envmon sensor logs.

ENVMON Reports the Wrong Voltage Range

Envmon generates a syslog message due to using the wrong voltage range.

RP/1/RSP0/CPU0:Aug  6 17:32:15.900 : envmon[207]: %PLATFORM-ENVMON-4-CARD_VOLTAGE_ALARM : Voltage sensor alarm slot 1/RSP0/CPU0, sensor VP7P0 measured 6997 mV and out of operational range 3387 - 3614 mV

In this case the VP7P0 sensor reports 6997mV, which is outside the reported range of 3387 - 3614mV.

Use the verification steps to identify the actual current value of the sensor and the expected range.

EVNMON Reports the Wrong Voltage Value

Envmon generates a syslog message due to using the wrong voltage value.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 29 05:52:49.641 :  envmon[206]: %PLATFORM-ENVMON-4-CARD_VOLTAGE_ALARM : Voltage sensor  alarm slot 0/RSP1/CPU0, sensor VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_DAO measured 2500 mV and  out of operational range 1176 - 1224 mV

In this case the VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_DAO sensor reports 2500 mV which is outside the reported range 1176 - 1224 mV. The 'read' value may be 0, lower, or higher than the true value as indicated in the verification steps.

Use the verification steps to identify the actual current value of the sensor and the expected range.


Check show environment voltages to see the current voltage value for the sensors.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show environment voltages

R/S/I   Modules Sensor                   (mV)   Margin



        host    VP3P3_CAN                3298   n/a

        host    VP2P5                    2500   n/a

        host    VP3P3                    3299   n/a

        host    VP1P2                    1199   n/a

        host    VP1P5                    1499   n/a

        host    VP1P8                    1800   n/a

        host    VP5P0                    5000   n/a

        host    VP7P0                    6997   n/a

        host    VP2P5_DB                 2500   n/a

        host    VP1P8_DB                 1800   n/a

        host    VP1P5_DB                 1501   n/a

        host    VP1P2_DB                 1199   n/a

        host    VP0P75_DB                 751   n/a

        host    VP1P05_DB                1050   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDDA          1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDDD_VDDACM   1001   n/a

        host    VP1PX_ARB                1000   n/a

        host    VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_LGN     1200   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDDD_VDDACM    999   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDDA          1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDD            999   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDD           1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_DAO                1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_KAW_LDO            1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_MGTVCC_DAO         1000   n/a

        host    VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_DAO     1200   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SKT_IO             1000   n/a

        host    VP1P0_SKT_CORE           1000   n/a

        host    VP1P9_LDO                1899   n/a

        host    VP1P8_10GPHY_LDO         1800   n/a

        host    VP1P2_10GPHY_01          1199   n/a

        host    VP0P75_TMX_VTT            745   n/a

        host    VP3P3_OCXO               3299   n/a

        host    VP1P8_OCXO               1800   n/a


Check show environment table to see the acceptable voltage range for the sensors.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show environment table

R/S/I   Modules Sensor                  Minor              Major              Critical

                                        (Lo Hi)            (Lo Hi)            (Lo Hi)



        host    Inlet0                  --/   --           --/   --           --/   --

        host    Hotspot0                --/   --           --/   --           --/   81

        host    VP3P3_CAN             3234/ 3366           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP2P5                 2375/ 2625           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP3P3                 3234/ 3366           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P2                 1176/ 1224           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P5                 1470/ 1530           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P8                 1764/ 1836           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP5P0                 4900/ 5100           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP7P0                 6650/ 7350           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP2P5_DB              2450/ 2550           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P8_DB              1764/ 1836           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P5_DB              1470/ 1530           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P2_DB              1176/ 1224           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP0P75_DB              735/  765           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P05_DB             1029/ 1071           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDDA        980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDDD_VDDA   980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1PX_ARB              980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_LGN  1176/ 1224           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDDD_VDDA   980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDDA        980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC1_VDD         980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SAC0_VDD         980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_DAO              980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_KAW_LDO          980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_MGTVCC_DAO       980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_DAO  1176/ 1224           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SKT_IO           980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P0_SKT_CORE         980/ 1020           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P9_LDO             1862/ 1938           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P8_10GPHY_LDO      1764/ 1836           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P2_10GPHY_01       1176/ 1224           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP0P75_TMX_VTT         735/  765           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP3P3_OCXO            3234/ 3366           --/   --           --/   --

        host    VP1P8_OCXO            1764/ 1836           --/   --           --/   --


VP7P0 is currently 6999mV which is between 6650 and 7350. The syslog message can be ignored.

VP1P2_SERDES_PLL_DAO is currently 1200 which is between 1176 and 1224. The syslog message can be ignored.

As these are false positives and the true values are correct no corrective actions are taken.

These cosmetic issues are fixed in 4.3.4, 5.1.1, and 5.2.0

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