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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

XR-vm - CLI's


show context  look for any process crash, review time stamp[if it is too old, then no immediate action needed]
show redundancy verify if standby state  is Ready and NSR-Ready
show proc cpu | exclude " 0%" look for processes hogging CPU
show memory summary location all gives a dump of overall system memory state with availability
show hw-module fpd all HW level FPD programming state, look for 'NEED UPGD' ; if found please upgrade FPD for that card 
show configuration commit list 5 view last 5 commits 
show version | in uptime verify system up time 
show media verify filesystem space 
show watchdog memory-state location all    detailed memory status
show rcc ipv4 unicast all route consistency check  [unicast only]
show rcc ipv6 unicast all RCC for v6 
show lcc ipv4 unicast all Label Consistency Check 
show lcc ipv6 unicast all LCC for v6
show cef resource location <Line card> | ex GREEN  LC forwarding resources [if GREEN, we are good, any other color then the resources are getting over-utilized] 
Show CEF tables summary location <Line card> show LC forwarding CEF tables for the LC
show cef resource hardware ingress location 0/0/CPU0  | ex GREEN LC forwarding at hardware level - ingress 
how cef resource hardware egress location 0/0/CPU0  | ex GREEN LC forwarding at hardware level - egress
show health gsp    inter-process communication - GSP health 
show health cfgmgr configuration manager health
show alarms brief system active review output for alarm description requiring immediate action
show health sysdb system database [to store processes db] SYSDB health
show asic-errors all summary location  look for any fast increment ASIC error counters 
show processes blocked location all | ex lpts look for any processes in Mutex/reply blocked state for extended period of time

Other Useful CLI's

monitor interface * OR <interface name> to review interface traffic incoming/outgoing - real time
config t - lpts pifib hardware police location 0/0/CPU0 flow ssh known rate <>  to configure LPTS policer rate for incoming ssh sessions through LC interface 
admin config - fpd auto-upgrade enable  to enable auto-upgrade functionality for FPD versions during SW image upgrade
show install active summary  to view list of active packages 
show install inactive summary  to view list of inactive packages 
install remove inactive  removed all inactive packages [ helps to clear disk space]
install commit to checkpoint current software version and packages installed 
show install request  to verify any ongoing install activity progress
to move between different vm's [e.g. xr-vm, to sysadmin-vm to host-vm] Ctrl+o,  press again to go to next VM in sequence

Admin-vm CLI's

show controller fabric plane all detail fabric plane details -verify if all planes are UP UP
show controllers fabric health overall fabric health
show controller switch statistics detail | in "Rx Errors|Rx Bad CRC|Gbps" | ex " 0" Monitor for Rx Errors/CRC errors on the control-ethernet Switch path.
show platform cards list 
show context  look for any process crash
show install committed summary show all packages installed and committed, verify if it matches with show install active summary
show environment temperatures shows temperature of all hw components [cards]
show environment fan fan status - speed, etc
show environment power power status
show inventory all all cards inventory [ you can find card serial numbers here]
show vm verify if all VM's are in 'running' state 


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

For verifying the packets drops or critical alarms , below CLI should help


  • show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag counters g" loc <LC>
  • show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location <LC>
show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location 0/1/CPU0

Trap Type                                     NPU  Trap TrapStats   Policer Packet    Packet
                                              ID    ID      ID              Accepted  Dropped


RxTrapMimSaMove(CFM_DOWM_MEP_DMM)             0    6    0x6         32037   0         0        

RxTrapMimSaUnknown(RCY_CFM_DOWN_MEP_DMM)      0    7    0x7         32037   0         0        

RxTrapAuthSaLookupFail (IPMC default)         0    8    0x8         32033   0         0        

RxTrapSaMulticast                             0    11   0xb         32018   0         0        

RxTrapArpMyIp                                 0    13   0xd         32001   0         0        

RxTrapArp                                     0    14   0xe         32001   1         0        

RxTrapDhcpv4Server                            0    18   0x12        32022   0         0        

RxTrapDhcpv4Client                            0    19   0x13        32022   0         0        

RxTrapDhcpv6Server                            0    20   0x14        32022   0         0        

RxTrapDhcpv6Client                            0    21   0x15        32022   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_LACP                            0    23   0x17        32003   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP1                           0    24   0x18        32004   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP2                           0    25   0x19        32004   38202     0        

RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP3                           0    26   0x1a        32004   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_ELMI                            0    27   0x1b        32005   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_BPDU                            0    28   0x1c        32027   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_BUNDLE_BPDU                     0    29   0x1d        32027   0         0        

RxTrapL2Cache_CDP                             0    30   0x1e        32002   0         0        

RxTrapHeaderSizeErr                           0    32   0x20        32018   0         0        

RxTrapIpCompMcInvalidIp                       0    35   0x23        32018   0         0        

RxTrapMyMacAndIpDisabled                      0    36   0x24        32018   0         0        

RxTrapMyMacAndMplsDisable                     0    37   0x25        32018   0         0        

RxTrapArpReply                                0    38   0x26        32001   84        0        

RxTrapFibDrop                                 0    41   0x29        32018   94952     0        



  • show controllers npu resources all location <LC>



show controllers npu resources all location 0/1/CPU0

HW Resource Information

    Name                            : lem

    Asic Type                       : Jericho


OOR Summary

        Estimated Max Entries       : 786432 

        Red Threshold               : 95 %

        Yellow Threshold            : 80 %

        OOR State                   : Green

Current Usage

        Total In-Use                : 57       (0 %)

        iproute                     : 33       (0 %)

        ip6route                    : 2        (0 %)

        mplslabel                   : 26       (0 %)

        l2brmac                     : 0        (0 %)


OOR Summary

        Estimated Max Entries       : 786432 

        Red Threshold               : 95 %

        Yellow Threshold            : 80 %

        OOR State                   : Green

Current Usage

        Total In-Use                : 57       (0 %)

        iproute                     : 33       (0 %)

        ip6route                    : 2        (0 %)

        mplslabel                   : 26       (0 %)

        l2brmac                     : 0        (0 %)


OOR Summary

        Estimated Max Entries       : 786432 

        Red Threshold               : 95 %

        Yellow Threshold            : 80 %

        OOR State                   : Green




  • Interface mapping with NPU, CORE, PP ports, Ifhandle etc "show controllers npu voq-usage interface all instance <> location <>"


show controllers npu voq-usage interface all instance 0 location 0/1/CPU0


Node ID: 0/1/CPU0

Intf         Intf     NPU NPU  PP   Sys   VOQ   Flow   VOQ    Port

name         handle    #  core Port Port  base  base   port   speed

             (hex)                                     type       


Hu0/0/0/0    48        0   0    9     9   2896   6616 remote  100G

Hu0/0/0/1    68        0   0   13    13   2960   7512 remote  100G

Hu0/0/0/2    88        0   0   17    17   2968   8408 remote  100G 


  • show drops all location <> ------> Execute multiple times to check the drop packets increment


=> To check any system Alarms 


  • show alarms brief system history       --- any alarms prior to device reload


show alarms brief system history


History Alarms


Location        Severity     Group            Set Time                   Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

                                              Clear Time


<LC>        Major        Software         03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT     Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics:  RX LOS LANE-3 ALARM                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                              03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT

<LC>        Major        Software         03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT     Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics:  RX LOL LANE-0 ALARM                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                              03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT

<LC>        Major        Software         03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT     Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics:  RX LOL LANE-1 ALARM                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                              03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT

<LC>        Major        Software         03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT     Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics:  RX LOL LANE-2 ALARM                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                              03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT

<LC>        Major        Software         03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT     Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics:  RX LOL LANE-3 ALARM                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                              03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT


  • show alarms brief system active


show alarms brief system active


Active Alarms


Location        Severity     Group            Set Time                   Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


0/PM0           Major        Environ          05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT    Power Module Error (PM_VIN_VOLT_OOR).                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

0/PM0           Major        Environ          05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT    Power Module Error (PM_NO_INPUT_DETECTED).                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

0               Major        Environ          05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT    Power Group redundancy lost.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

0/PM0           Major        Environ          05/19/2023 12:32:09 EDT    Power Module Output Disabled.  


Level 1
Level 1

thanks a lot


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