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Unable to run "ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet" command in PowerGUI

Hi All,

I am trying to use PowerGUI with Cisco UCS Power Tools to create power shell scripts for UCS Automation.

PowerGUI Version:

CiscoUCS Power Tools Version:1.3(1).

OS: Windows 7

I have installed the PowerGUI and Cisco UCS Power Tools libraries and was able to connect to UCS server successfully.

However when I tried to run the command "ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet", I am getting the below error:


WARNING: Please review the generated cmdlets before deployment.

ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet : Could not find the log files directory

At line:1 char:20

+ ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet <<<<

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet], Exception

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Cisco.Ucs.Cmdlets.ConvertToUcsCmdlet

Appreciate any help in fixing this!

Thanks and Regards,

Thammaya Gupta K.

4 Replies 4

Level 4
Level 4

It is important that you do things in the right order.  The ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet cmdlet reads the log file created by UCSM.  So if you start PowerTool and try the ConvertTo-UcsCmdlet before you have launched UCSM, there will not be a log file to read.  Additionally, you will always receive that warning about reviewing the commands.  It's a reminder that you might want to modify the command to meet your specific needs instead of just using it as is.

See if following this procedure helps:

1. Launch Cisco UCS PowerTool from the Start menu or desktop

2. Connect to a UCS manager domain (or emulator) by running Connect-Ucs <UCSM-ipaddress>

3. After successful login, run Start-UcsGuiSession -LogAllXml to launch the GUI

4. After the GUI launches, run ConvertTo-UcsCmdle in the PowerTool window

5. Perform the steps you want in the GUI

6. UCS PowerTool output is displayed to the PowerTool window.

From your problem description I am not sure if you are trying to run this from within PowerGUI.  If so, run it external to PowerGUI and then cut and paste the desired output from the PowerTool window into the PowerGUI window.

Does this also print out get commands in the gui?  That would be nice as well

It only prints out get commands if they are required to obtain values that will be set.  If you are looking for the commands as a result of viewing information in the GUI, the answer is no.  That information is not written to the log file when you are simply viewing so there is nothing for convertto-ucscmdlet to parse.

Thank you! This helped me a lot.

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