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Member since ‎07-15-2012

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  • 90 Posts
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Hi!We have Cisco ISE 2 Node and we have SNS3515-K9. We are using it for our Wireless 802.1x. We had plus licenses but they expired couple of years ago as we never needed them after that and we didnt renewed them.We just do wireless 802.1x and now we ...
Hello!I might be doing something wrong as I have started working with Cisco ISE 2.4 after long time. Anyone can guide how to create policy as configured for NPS in the below link?  
Hello!I am seeing error for users when they sometime cannot connect to WIFISupplicant stopped responding to ISE during PEAP tunnel establishment (step latency=120000 ms Step latency=120000 ms)Open secure connection with TLS peerSupplicant stopped res...
Hello All! I am running version patch 8.  I saw the following critical alert and after that I saw that few Radius error as below.Alarm Name :Details :Active-Directory forest is unavailable  Forest=Domain Name, ISE01Description :Active Direc...
Hello! I have created the policy for my Aruba switch ssh login via Cisco ISE. I have played around but cannot get it working.Right now I have modified it to simipliest but still it doesnt work.So I have the following configuration.Policy Set name: Ac...
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Member Since ‎07-15-2012 04:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-06-2024 08:16 PM
Posts 90