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Member since ‎05-04-2012

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We are looking to apply signed SSL certs to some ASA's.The question we have is what happens if the config on the firewall changes in any way.Does the cert have to reapplied? Does it have to be a brand new certificate?Or does the certificate informati...
I am sadly lost, again, and need help.Everything I thought I knew about NAT'ing seems completely backwards.I am struggling to understand an existing config.Here are the pertinent lines:interface GigabitEthernet0/0 description ASA_NET_227.76.40.19/28 ...
Hi:I have multiple internal networks. am currently overloading the entire network to an outside interface .xxx.76.40.19Can I also overload portions of the and networks to the s...
Background:I am trying to unravel a ASA 5550 config that has been created over several years, by multiple people, some who used ADSM, some who used CLI.None of them ever removed any lines from the configuration, and none did any documentation.I have ...
I have been told that if an access list is created with the suffix _access_in, that if the preifx is the name of an interface, then that access list is automatically bound to that interface, even if there is no explicit command doing that.I looking a...
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Member Since ‎05-04-2012 08:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 15