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Member since ‎11-16-2002

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I have one router connect via E1 to PSNT in central site and 1 PBX connect in a router via E1 in remote site.The sites are connect via wam in a IP enviromment.Is it possible the calls originates in site A (PSTN) redirect for PBX in site B e calls ori...
I have a 3745 with one NM-HDV-2E1-60 in site A. I want connect the E1s in PSTN. The WAN interface is connect in FR cloud. In site B I have one PBX connect in other 3745. Is possible in this topology to do the calls in site A to be redirect for the PB...
I want to use GRE + IPSec over a x25 infrastructure in one site-to-site VPN topology. Is it possible? Is it possible to use GRE with x25 or not? Are there any restriction? Thanks
I need to install one PIX 501 in a network . The internal interface is connected in my LAN e the outside interface is connected in interface e0 of the router.The LAN have llc2 and IP traffic. Is possible to pass the llc2 traffic in the firewall with...
I need install one PIX 501 in a net that has one SNA server. The outside interface of the PIX is connected in interface e0 of the router .Is it possible the llc2 packets to pass for firewall and I continue protecting the IP traffic?If not, I thought ...
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Member Since ‎11-16-2002 04:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 6