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Member since ‎01-26-2007

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i have 2 3560's. one is setup as the vtp server and the other is a client. the one that is setup as the server has ip routing enabled and point it's last resort gateway to my firewall. the vtp cleint when set to no ip routing, has a default-gatewa...
I have 2 3560 switches. currently, the both run the native vlan 1. i am in the process of setting up vlans and moving over computers and servers to them. i have one particular user that upon starting his computer and logging in to our domain, it t...
Hello. Thanks in advance for any help. I have 2 Cisco 3560's that i am getting ready to vlan. I also have 8 Dell 2708's that support vlans. my question is this; my 2708's are connected to the 3560's via Fiber. the fiber drops directly into the ...
I need some advice on VLANing my servers off of my main network. I run 2 3560's and need a little help. I have 3 servers that all have gigabit cards, as where the workstations all have 100mb connections. is there any benefit to doing this? if so,...
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Member Since ‎01-26-2007 07:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8