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Member since ‎05-11-2021

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Does anyone have a PowerShell script that can scan a UCS domain and initiate the removal of unused firmware packages?In theory, it sounds like that should be a simple process if someone already knows how to retrieve that information.
We recently deployed UCSC 2.0(1t) to evaluate as we haven't been satisfied with Intersight up to this point. I recall seeing some information while evaluating that "Some features require a valid license after the evaluation period" (or something to t...
The "Get-UcsMemoryUnit" command provides lots of information, but not the PID. I read somewhere that "Get-UcsCapability" is supposed to provide the PID for the associated ManagedObject but it does not appear to accept Cisco.Ucsm.MemoryUnit even thoug...
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Member Since ‎05-11-2021 12:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2024 07:40 AM
Posts 4
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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