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Member since ‎11-23-2010

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I am trying to find a signature that will tell my IPS to notify me when it sees any IP source address come from the network behind my IPS that was not in that subnet range.  Is there an existing signature I may have looked over in my IPS or has anyon...
I was wondering if anyone has created or is aware of a custom IPS signature that detects someone using SSH on ports other than 22?Thanks in Advance
Can you Monitor an ONS 15454 with Mars?  Is there a specific "Device Type" to use in order to do this?
I have my Honeyd servers piping to our MARS box and I am trying to get the reports to show something useful.  Currently all I get are a bunch of "Unknown Device Event Types".  What must I do in order for MARS to see this as readable data that I can p...
Is there another repor that can be used to track real botnets?  The sites they return in this report are not Botnets.  Most are ad sites, analytics, etc.  Not sure how Cisco is actually calling this report a Botnet Traffic Filter. Any ideas?
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Member Since ‎11-23-2010 01:39 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 44
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