First of all, you reference the internet-connection as being DSL, and you want to terminate that on an ADSL interface. I can only assume that means line is actually ADSL and not some other DSL-variety. Even consider the various ADSL variations...As R...
Just to check if I understand your issue correctly...I would assume that tests 2 and 3 would produce comparable results, because you are roughly testing the same connectivity, only with different tests-tools. But one test (iPerf) tells you performanc...
First place to check would really be the logs of your domain-controllers...They must be doing something around that time, or at least they must also be noticing they have some issues themselves. As mentioned by others it might be something within the...
Well, depending on the circumstances and your business policies, it might be an option to use different switches as the default-gateway in the various VLANs. It is not a very clean solution, but depending on your needs it may work.I mean... suppose y...
What is the current layer-3 topology ? Where is routing taking place; I'm sure you don't have only one large VLAN spanning all three sites.For example: what is the gateway for your servers in both DC's to get to the clients, and what is the gateway f...