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Member since ‎03-01-2011

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HiWhen I run the QuickVPN client and connect to our WRVS4400N router I can access network resources as expected buy my internet access is still going out through my normal gateway. Is it possible to have internet traffic, while connected via QuickVPN...
HiWe have recently upgraded our ADSL to FTTC (fibre to the cabinet) VDSL. As part of the upgrade, an engineer had to make some changes to our master socket and install what appears to be a modem. Now, instead of having a modem/router we have a router...
HiI'm looking at purchasing a WRVS4400N and I just wondered if it comes with everything needed to setup VPN (terminated on the router) 'out of the box'? Or do you need to purchase extra software or certificates?Many thanksDan
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Member Since ‎03-01-2011 02:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 11:41 AM
Posts 7