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Member since ‎06-05-2012

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Hi Guys,We have thousands of alumni that needs be moved to Office365. Our mailboxes was all migrated to Office365. Our alumni doesn't have a mailbox but they have an AD account that has alumni address in mail attribute and forward to ...
Hi,We have a clustered IronPort C370. I have created a new LDAP query for the cluster to query my new domain.I can do a successfull query on Iron1 (Cluster Mode) but cannot query the same LDAP on Iron 2 (Cluster mode).What could be the issue? Appreci...
Hi,Im having an issue of relaying emails from Iron Port to our smtp server. One of the node in our NLB SMTP server is down and for some reason the host was removed from the NLB. The issue is I cannot telnet to the current MX records that is showing i...
Hi, We are using two Cisco IronPort C370 that is currently configured as clustered. Our Outbreak filters license is going to expire in the next few months for both nodes. Before sending an email to purchasing department to renew the license, I would ...
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Member Since ‎06-05-2012 07:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 7
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