Bernd Nies
Level 1
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Member since ‎02-16-2016

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Hi,I'm thinking about follwing internet edge FTD setup for branch offices. Firewall pair FTD1a/b has two interfaces in public provider outside VLAN.Interface "inline-outside" is an inline-set to threat protect access to AnyConnect VPN peer FTD2a/b be...
Hi,Is it possible on FTD to access a public IP assigned to outside interface from the inside network? We have the usecase where users are using AnyConnect and want to access the VPN peer from a guest network provided by the firewall. As they are swit...
Hi,We have to upgrade our 5516-X ASAs from 9.16(4)55 due to CVE-2024-20353. That one is fixed in 9.16(4)57. Which interim version of ASA 9.16(4) running on ASA 5516-X hardware multi-context active/active is stable and is actually running on productio...
Hi,We're using ASA and have some object-groups that contain hundreds to thousands of IP ranges, for example AS networks, for example public IP ranges of cloud providers, customers or networks where bots are originating attacking our AnyConnect VPN pe...
Hi,I wrote the Python script shown below to backup multiple ASA firewalls in single or multiple context mode, with and without failover. If ASA is in failover mode, then also config from standby unit is backed up. Normally this should be identical, b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-16-2016 10:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 04:00 AM
Posts 129
Total Helpful Votes Received 126
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