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Member since ‎07-28-2022

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Why the Cisco ASA might respond to the ARP requests for other IP addresses on the network? We see sometimes that vm server shows in their arp table ASA MAC, although the arp table from ASA show the correct MAC of VM. "no proxy arp" could be used to s...
We are planning to upgrade our cisco ASA with 9.12x  and regarding services we have HA, VPN, NAT I have read that ASA 9.12(x) was the final version for the ASA 5512-X, 5515-X, 5585-X, and ASASM, so for ASA 5545 better go with 9.14? Both versions ar...
Hi, I have a question regarding different search results on FMC in an access control policy. I want to search for all hosts within a network. What will be the best search expression? When I search for 111.111.111. I will receive 72 results. When I se...
Which Diffie-Hellman Groups can be choosen for IKE policies?I found that are some dependencies on the the software version as well.Have I right understood that for crypto ikev2 policy the following Diffie-Hellman group(s) for this policy index as 14,...
The two FTD 4115 are configured in HA and are in similar network. In general they should have the same time to login. On one box it is the general time to login via ssh, but on the other it takes more than 70 sec to get a prompt.So far I have not see...
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Member Since ‎07-28-2022 07:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2024 01:09 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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