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Member since ‎10-23-2009

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Hello! We have a very old Cisco Access Control System (ACS) Appliance, I believe the software version is 3.3. A couple of years ago we were supposed to replace it but we didn't do it. Now, we are looking to replace it and I want to know if the latest...
Hello!Today I noticed that I'm getting the following log message from the last couple of days:%HTTP-4-SERVER_CONN_RATE_EXCEED: Number of connections per minute has exceeded the maximum limit(250)as specified by the platform. Last week, I updated a co...
I started to see ACL denied logs from private IP addresses (192.168.30.x, 192.168.20.x) that are not configured for this network. How I can find where these devices are connected to the network ? I'll appreciate any ideas. Thanks!
The dhcp server is located in vlan 100 and only vlan 100 is able to get the DHCP IP from it. The rest of the vlans are not getting DHCP request. Also, the network is getting intermittent disconnect after a Virtual Environment equipment started to hav...
I'm connecting a Cisco 3750 switch to a cable modem. I need to be able to use around 25 machines at the same time, I was thinking to use dhcp and use PAT. But I discovered that the 3750 doesn't support NAT. If there's any other way that I can make th...
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Member Since ‎10-23-2009 11:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 53
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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