Mike Fisher
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Member since ‎12-21-2022

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Does YDK have support for C++17 standard?  If so, how do I build the YDK and model bundles using the C++17 standard.  Currently, it looks like the generated cmake files enforce the C++11 standard.
I am looking for a RPM of the latest ydk for C++.  I looked on https://devhub.cisco.com/ui/native/rpm-ydk/ but the latest RPM I could find is libydk-0.8.5-1.x86_64.rpm  Could someone please point me to an x86_64 RPM of (preferably for RH8)  b...
The following links need to be updated:Read the API documentation (release 0.8.3) for details on how to use the API and specific models Additional samples can be found in the YDK-Cpp samples repository (coming soon)The "API documentation" link result...
I have been able to build the CiscoDevNet YDK C++ core library, Openconfig module bundle, and Cisco_ios_xr module bundle on CentOS 8 stream.  Using the C++ samples folder source code and README instructions (from https://github.com/ygorelik/ydk-gen/t...
There are ydk-cpp examples posted at https://github.com/ygorelik/ydk-gen/tree/master/sdk/cpp/samples for Yang Development Kit (ydk) version  The readme file is very vague.  It provides a command line syntax of how to run the application bgp_...
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Member Since ‎12-21-2022 02:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-09-2023 10:29 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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