I have a PIX 515e with 3 interfaces, Inside (sec100) (sec50) (sec0) have a server on the DMZ with RDP enabled, and from that server I can ping outside IPs by number, but not name. I can ping the serve...
I have a PIX 515, and my compnay is interested in implementing A product to log web URL activity for groups of employees. I thought websense would be the best product to do the job, but what type of server and storage space reqs do you need? This i...
Just hooked this up today and with Vibhor's help I have the DMZ working with nothing but a test server in it replying to ping. But I noticed that the firewall slowed down after about an hour when I was viewing the configs and whatnot and I did a sh ...
Ok a few issues here.I just installed a PIX515 replacing my 506. I have 3 interfaces now:Inside have attached my configuration, but here's my dilemna.I have mapped a test box on the DMZ, and it's IP ...
I have seen issues where laptops appear to have a working serial port, but it actually isn't working properly anmd causes these types of issues. Have you verified that you can use the same laptop/pc to console into other units?
ok I will try those, but I am still thinking that would need to be open on my otuside interface because my statics arestatic (dmz,outside) SP2DMZPUB SP2DMZPRI netmask 0 0 the SP2DMZPUB is a public outside IP address and the SP2DMZPRI ...