Hello, Is it possible to create a notification in UCS Manager for ECC errors that are logged in the SEL logs? We have experienced several predictive failures that caused a system outage and may have been averted. Charles
I am trying to use Power tool to add VLANs to Port Channel Members in lieu of using VLAN Manager. Pleaser review the command below as I am getting an error on the VLAN parameter Add-UcsVlanMemberPortChannel -vlan APP_PRD_NLB_2_VLAN090 -PortId 7 -Adm...
Thank you Sumanth! This works perfectly. From this I was able to build the following short scripts for assigning VLANs to all the locations required in our environment. Hope this helps others!$ucs = "ucs"$vlan_list = import-csv "c:\scripts\ucsvlans.t...