1)As client Requirement is remote access VPN , should communicate with Site to site VPN .
2)Can i NAT remote access VPN subnet with Inside LAN ip.
zubair mohammad.
Hi Team,
Particular host Traffic is not passing through Site to site VPN tunnel(please see the diagram).
From Host i am unable to ping to destination (VPN Site to site Tunnel).
from host i am able to ping destinat...
Hello Karsten,
Thanks for prompt reply.
Yes i have suggest to client that if we added RA-Pool in site to site vpn then remote vpn user will communicate to site to site .
But as they required to do RA-Pool to lan ip .can you please suggest the how ...
Hello mdussana,
Thanks for your support .
As i have go through the configuration in Manual NAT Policies i have bring the rule from 122 to 35 .
i have move this rule to above .
nat (inside,outside) source static obj- obj-
Dear mdussan ,
My firewall ;-
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(2)Device Manager Version 7.1(3).
i think No nat statement won't work .?
Dear mdussan,
Thanks for reply ..
present tunnel is up and asa is in production.
Directly i have to remove the present nat statement ? and i will executive the above statement(as you mention above).
question :-as my question is from the source(1...