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Member since ‎12-16-2008

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I'd like to know when a host stops polling into the CSA MC. Is it possible to create an alert to be sent via email or an SNMP trap when an agent hasn't polled into the MC for a specified period of time?-Mike
I'm currently running CSA 5.2 r238 with all systems in Test Mode. I keep seeing events for certain modules loading after startup, such as pdcrypt2.sys in a Citrix environment. I know these events are normal and don't care to have those events logge...
I have a RHEL3 WS host running Cisco Security Agent Version From time to time I am seeing alerts that don't make sense.For example, see these alerts:TESTMODE: The process '/bin/echo' (as user root(0) group root(0)) attempted to accept a c...
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Member Since ‎12-16-2008 09:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
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