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Member since ‎12-08-2023

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Which of the two manners is the proper way to start AnyConnect client on Linux?$ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnui$ sudo /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn--$ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn --versionCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client (version 4.10.08025...
Myself believes to had encountered once the opinion AnyConnect for Linux client invocation command to not need sudo.Is that true?Cisco Secure Mobility Client AnyConnect 4.10.latest for Linux in use here.In the case here AnyConnect GUI starts upon fol...
Myself believes to had encountered once the opinion AnyConnect would need on Linux the root privileges to start and run with success. This is however on Linux here (and its distribution's current release) not the case. Regardless if CLI or GUI AnyCon...
Due to my local problems of lack of working VPN to remote network on Linux Manjaro (due to problem AnyConnect/XML parsing lib) how are may the odds be to work around it with success in following way?Windows 11 Pro builds VPN connection to remote netw...
If remote network administrator refuses any support (in case of issues with VPN-connection) when vpn user uses other solution than Cisco AnyConnect I guess they do so, because technology branded by Cisco is operating on their network perimeter and VP...
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Member Since ‎12-08-2023 01:13 AM
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