Hi ExpertsI am trying to gather Apache and openssh server version info for various UCSM codes. I've managed a few.2.1 (1a)TBD2.1 (3b)TBD2.2 (1d)TBD2.2(3e)Apache: 2.2.25openssh: 5.92.2 (5b)TBD2.2 (5c)TBD2.2 (6e)Apache: 2.4.12openssh: 5.92.2 (7b)Apache...
Hi AllI am looking for 2.2.7b UCSM XML API. Any pointers, greatly appreciated.https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-36350The link does not have the latest codes.ThanksShankar
Hi AllCustomer was on 2.1.3b and upgraded to 2.2.5c.Get-UcsVnicinterface | select switchid, name, dnOn 2.1.3b switchID value : "A-B"On 2.2.5c switchID value: Dual.Can someone confirm if this is a code change in 2.2.5c?ThanksShankar