So this post is somewhat related to another post : However the question is different now since we've determined that we don't have 2 MPLS links (1 in...
Here is our setup. Datacenter1 = DC1Datacenter2 = DC2Point to Point1 = PTP1Point to Point2 = PTP2Internet = INET We have some Cisco 3650's that we want to configure a static route for a new point to point being setup between our 2 datacenters. We wil...
IOS 12.2(33)SXI5Cisco 6500 Sup 720s72033-advipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SXI5.bin Every guide I read says this tracking ip sla stuff should be so easy. doesn't work.The commands I'...
currently run the following config on my switchesarchive path flash:/backups/config-$t time-period 40000 maximum 6 write-memorywas wondering if there is an ASA equivalent. I'd like to keep the config backups on the local device, not send them...
I am having the EXACT same problem as this user: GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function.Response: 425 Can't open data connection.Error: Failed to retrieve directory listingResponse: 42...
######## CORE 1 ###############
core01#sh ip in br | i Vlan150
Vlan150 YES manual up up
core01#sh ip in br | i 0/20
GigabitEthernet0/20 YES manual up up
that is not an available command for me.I wouldn't focus so much on the fact it's an mpls. It's a routing issue of some kind, I just dont know whats needed to make core2 be able to ping through core1 over to the other side of the point to point link.
On core2, when I try and ping it does not reply.I need core2 to be able to ping (which is the directly connected route on core1)
So I've not had trouble wrapping my head around this config for a single core MPLS.The problem I'm having trouble with is how would I configure this such that if Core1 goes down, it sends it over to Core2's MPLS. But Core2's IPSLA needs to be aware t...