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Member since ‎03-07-2006

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I have 2 providers for my customers, 1st is 20 meg and they provide the routing and a 2nd 100 meg link which we provide routing. Currently I have a 3550 w/EMI routing to one provider and a vlan for the other. Will a 2821 w/ max memory give me the f...
I have two upstream providers, 100 meg and 50 meg, and need a router that will handle them. Right now I'm not doing BGP. Will the 2841 with maxed memory work for this application. I'm an ISP and pass two blocks of class C addresses to my customers...
What is the max throughput on a 3550 with the routing image? Does routing reduce the throughput somewhat? I'm getting 45-50 meg on a 100 meg link.
I am a small ISP and will be upgrading our core router and am looking at the capacity of the 7204. I have two internet connections, one a 100 meg with Cogent (maybe increasing to 200 meg) and another 50 meg with another provider. We might be runnin...
Can I retrieve netflow info on a 3550 with the EMI image. I have this for my WAN gateway. I also have a few 2950s and 2950EIs. Didn't know what the limitations were. Thanks.
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Member Since ‎03-07-2006 01:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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